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    New research identifies antibiotic therapies that are more effective against borrelia persisters in late stage chronic Lyme:


    “Among the top 27 confirmed drug candidates from the 165 hits, daptomycin, clofazimine, carbomycin, sulfa drugs (e.g., sulfamethoxazole), and certain cephalosporins (e.g. cefoperazone) had the highest anti-persister activity.”


    Maz, thanks for posting. I have been trying many different ABX before and am currently taking Rifampin, Azithromycin and Plaquenil. Honestly, I dont see any improvements in my rheumatoid, but i do see my food being undigested and unliveable nasal congestion (allergies) despite probiotics and good yeast intake. Probably my gut flora is messed up. I will take a short break next week to probably to do another Western Blot and then start considering herbals and may be back to mino. At this point i am dissapointed in ABX and find it hard to believe there are ABX out there that will do the trick. I guess my current condition doesnt make me think positive about all this preliminary sciencework. Still thanks for posting.
    Thanks. K


    Karel, I’m sorry you are not feeling well.

    Has anyone run a stool test for you, to see what overgrowths, if any, are in your GI tract?

    Re: undigested foods. Do you take digestive enzymes? Have you looked into making fermented foods?



    Yes I have run for years test with Metametrix (probably did 6 or seven of them). They alway showed too much yeast (+4) and we found an unidentfied parasite at one time. My latest test came back reasonble clean, with no yeast while being on ABX, Coincidentaly Genova and Metametrix have joined and the test is changed. My Integrative Md doesnt trust the test anymore and neither do I. I think it should show too much yeast on top of too little good bacteria. I take one VSL#3 a day, 2x S. Boulardi a day away from the ABX. I take enzymes and HCL. The fermented vegetables things remains controversial, amongst the “experts”, but I have made my own in the past and bought prepared at Whole Foods and recently started again. I feel its an uphill battle against the ABX at this point unless I stop using the ABX. Thanks for your reply!


    Do you take Methotraxate, Mino and other antibiotics now? What other antibiotics?
    Linda L.


    @Karel wrote:


    Yes I have run for years test with Metametrix (probably did 6 or seven of them). They alway showed too much yeast (+4) and we found an unidentfied parasite at one time. My latest test came back reasonble clean, with no yeast while being on ABX, Coincidentaly Genova and Metametrix have joined and the test is changed. My Integrative Md doesnt trust the test anymore and neither do I. I think it should show too much yeast on top of too little good bacteria. I take one VSL#3 a day, 2x S. Boulardi a day away from the ABX. I take enzymes and HCL. The fermented vegetables things remains controversial, amongst the “experts”, but I have made my own in the past and bought prepared at Whole Foods and recently started again. I feel its an uphill battle against the ABX at this point unless I stop using the ABX. Thanks for your reply!

    Hi Karel,

    I have bit used Metametrix or Genova. I didn’t know the companies had merged. I’ve used Diagnos-Techs. I had a +4 fungal overgrowth on one of my tests. This was before my RA first flared. No ABX. I was able to clear the infection with one bottle of Pro-ENT2. The follow-up test showed zero yeast/fungal overgrowths, so I believe it worked.

    What are using for digestive enzymes & HCl? I just started taking NOW Suoer Enzymes.

    I eat homemade yogurt daily, Kombucha sometimes, but not much else fermented. Used to make kefir and some lacto-fermented veggies. I agree it feels like an uphill battle with the antibiotics.

    I sometimes wonder if I could only correct what is living in my gut, could I stay in remission without the antibiotics? So much research is coming out about the gut, microbes, the immune system, inflammation, mood…


    Linda, my profile is not updated anymore, but I take now plaquenil, azitrocymin and rifampin. I have been on minocycline (9 months varies concentrations) clindamycin IV (6 months 1/month) and rocephin IV (1 month, 3 / week) and bicilin IM (6 weeks 1/week). Before ABX i have been on Methotrexate and Sulfasalazine and now on Plaquenil.

    M. I have taken anti yeast course before and Nystatin has been really effective and gave me after a couple of days feeling bad a lot of energy. It stays in the gut and so is reasonable save. It would probabably work again today, but these things seem to work so temporarily. That is the problem. For gut I have tried paleo (4 months), vegetarian (2 monhs) but there is always things you could have done “better” (night shades, seeds, fruit sugars, fermented). I am inspired by the autoimmune summit interviews which i downloaded and watching now. Of course the big question is: is the gut the cause or just an effect of “autoimmunity”. The theories are weak, my diagnosis is unsure, my meds and supplements are not working. Give me a break please! 🙁

    Yes they Genova and Metametrix have joined and the metametrix test has been changed. The rumour was that part of it wanted to split of again from that to provide the original test again. I have not been able to get the facts on the table to get an idea if the test has become better or worse, and would like to hear from anyone about this if the know.

    mmmm. this dicussion should probably get its own post….


    I had a stool test done about 2 yrs ago and it showed +4 fungi but it was unable to identify the type. One practitioner isisted this meant candida another said it did not and could simply be due to foods I had ingested….

    I treated for a little over a yr with various antibiotics for lyme but did not see a major improvement.

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