Home Forums General Discussion IBS substantially relieved by Antibiotics – new study

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    I think AP is really about to break through to the mainstream.

    Here is just one more piece of evidence to back up everything that we know… with doctors at Cedars-Sinai now saying that they have touched on the “cause” of IBS rather than just covering up the symptoms. They are using antibiotics ๐Ÿ™‚



    Dr. Mirkin has been saying this for years!


    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    I read an article about this a few months ago by Mark Hyman. He thinks anyone with an AI disease should try this approach. Food for thought…


    Thanks Lizz,

    I just googled the article you were referring to by Mark Hyman and found his post: http://drhyman.com/is-there-a-cure-for-autoimmune-disease-2435/ which was so inspiring. Watching this sweet little girl with MCTD who has recovered so beautifully brought tears to my eyes.

    This will keep me off of sugar and dairy more than I have been. I am so strict about being gluten-free but I do lapse with the sugar from time to time, and this really helps.

    Thank you!!!



    I just recently found this website http://www.thespunkycoconut.com and have found some new recipes to add to my gluten free repertoire. The author’s girls I believe have learning issues so all of her recipes are sugar free and gluten free. I have started maing one her recipes that tastes pretty close to chocolate pudding.

    You blend a can of coconut milk, 1/c water, 1/2 cup ground chia seeds, 3-4 T of raw cocoa and 3-54 T of coconut sugar and then chill over night. The recipe also asks for hemp protein powder but I think it’s nasty and it doesn’t agree with me so I just add chopped walnuts to it after it is done for extra protein.

    The chia seed has been a great new addition as it is tasteless and it swells up 9 times its size and can add body and creaminess to any dish. It is supposed to be high in essential fatty acids, protein and it has mucilage which can soothe irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. It makes a good replacement of flax seed and taking flax was always a problem for me as I worried about the oil being rancid and didn’t care for the flavor. The chia seed is also supposed to help with insulin resistance. The coconut sugar is also low on the glycemic index and should give you the sweet flavor you are looking for without spiking your blood sugar and creating more cravings.

    Everyone in the family has been eating this pudding first thing in the morning and my teenage son (can I say picky?) asks every night if I have made more.



    Thank you so much for the link. I’m always in search of good gluten/dairy/sugar free recipes. I’m so blessed to have a husband who is on board with my/our dietary restrictions but he has a huge sweet tooth so these recipes look really promissing!

    Thanks again,



    Thanks for the links and info. I “had“miserable GI symptoms before I started AP. For sure I can say antibiotics have turned this around for me, with an occasional problem. I didn’t have the cramping though. Just everything seemed to zoom through my body quite fast, within 15 minutes after eating. ๐Ÿ˜ณ I clearly remember explaining to the many drs. I saw throughout the years attempting to get the root of the problem as to what was going on in my body. Naturally, they told me it was IBS. Whose bowels wouldn’t be irritable after 8 yrs. of this. ๐Ÿ˜† I’ve almost forgotten those days. ๐Ÿ™‚ One step at a time with these infections. I’m gradually improving with other symptoms as well. Even the smallest improvement is huge! ๐Ÿ˜€




    I’m glad you found the recipes interesting. I went ahead and ordered both her cookbooks. I think she has really come out with some interesting ways to get around the gluten free, casein free, sugar free diets. I have also made her biscuits using cooked white beans and they have turned out very well with a little adjustment on my part to the liquid amount and cooking time. I made them for the second time today and they were a great success again.

    This is helping me take my gluten free cooking to a different level. In the beginning we were just happy to eat something that tasted decent but now I’m looking for ways to make it healthy and I think using beans is an interesting option.

    Jan Lucinda1

    Cedars-Sinai is in L.A. Glad enlightenment coming to this area.

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