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    judy cash

    Hello Everyone….
    I just wanted to share with you all, what I have been doing today!!!!!!!! It is something that I would never have been able to do say,3 years ago,,,,,,nor 2 years ago,,,,,,nor even 1 year ago…….I sanded, primed and painted my kitchen…..Now to some of you, that might not sound like much, but considering the fact, that before I found out about AP, I thought my life as I knew it was over….It is quiet an accomplishment…. Before I became sick with RA, this was the kind of thing that I would often do. After my symptoms started, I could hardly do anything, even wash dishes, or sweep, or even walk very well….So has AP worked for…….It sure has and I am so thankful……
    To all the newbys, I hope this inspires you to continue with AP even when you feeling like giving up. I felt that way sometimes, it was not always easy, but I tried to tough it out….and for me it paid off. In April two years ago, I was where many of you are today, and I do understand what you are going through. My prayer for all who read this, is that you will find the same end result as I have ………Thanks for reading…Thanks RBF
    Judy ๐Ÿ˜€

    P.S. I’m sure that I will be very sore tomorrow….LOL ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


    Amazing news!!!!! I’m so happy for you! I was always a “do-er” too before RA …And I can’t wait to get back to those days! You should be so proud! ๐Ÿ˜€


    THANK YOU so much for sharing Judy! That’s great news! Reading this actually made me cry. I too have RA, I was diagnosed Dec 2009. I’ve been taking 100 mgs minocycline MWF for 4 months with not much improvement. My AP Dr wanted me to do the clindy iv’s, which I started this past Wednesday. Last night my dose was upped to 600mgs and I started to have an allergic reaction, I really thought my heart was going to explode and I was going to die (I’m only 29). Fortunately the nurse who was administering the treatment (at her house) was very experienced and immediately gave me a high dose of benedryl. This morning I was talking with my husband who told me he thinks I should go back to my rheummy and start back on the mtx. I really do not want this to happen. My AP Dr gave me a scrip to up my minocycline to 100 mgs 2x MWF after the iv’s so I am going to start that dosage on Monday. Anyway, when I read your post this morning it gave me the hope that I needed so much today that this treatment will work for me. I just need to be patient and give it more time. Thank you again!! And Congratulations on your improvement!!

    judy cash

    Thanks for the replies. I would like to say that, even though, I was getting bad very quickly, and was sick for several years before I had my RA diag. I did find this treatment and began AP within a couple of months of my diag. I started out on 100 mg. twice daily of mino, and have had the Clindy IV’s twice in the past two years. I know that I am very lucky to have gotten to this point this soon, for some it can take much longer. I know it is hard at times, but try to think positive, and believe that you will get better… I’m sure that I will still have setbacks, anything could happen, but I am so THANKFUL to have gotten to where I am today. A few years age, I was so scared, depressed and really felt that I would be unable to raise my children. If I can encourage just one person to not give up, this treatment takes time, longer for some than others, then I will be content, with sharing my progress. Best wishes to all.


    Hi Judy,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It is indeed inspiring. I can’t even imagine sanding, priming and painting anymore.

    Are you still taking 100 mg of minocycline twice daily then?

    There have been improvements in my labs since starting doxycycline in July of 2010 (except for my GFR) but I had to quit taking it last month due to intense nausea and vomiting that developed shortly after an infectious disease doc said I needed to stop taking doxy immediately due to the toxic side effects ๐Ÿ™ Both he and an immunologist told me my skin could start falling off if I continue to take doxy (the toxic side effects I was experiencing was in the skin on my face).

    Yesterday I received my results from LabCorp’s CD57 test. My count is still low (34) after 7 months of doxycycline so I want to resume taking it. Don’t know what to do but your experience sure is motivating.



    Hi Judy,

    Thanks for sharing your inspiring news–congratulations on feeling well enough to go back to doing things you did before your diagnosis. Your positive attitude will serve you well, and I hope that you continue to have many more good days! ๐Ÿ˜€



    This is awesome, as a contactor im excited to hear you are active in this line of work. great stuff, I almost had to quit my job doing these tasks. and then I found AP ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol AP it sounds like a steak sauce. Keep it up!!

    Eva Holloway

    thank so for your great uplifting story. I know what your are talking about, like you I had to give up a lot even my job and stay home. Even my home suffered from the neglect because there is only so much my husband could do besides work. I have finally started to get myself together and started to go through papers and boxes that have accumelated around my house.The brain fog was really not letting me think straight. I still have muscle weakness but even that is better. I can now lift my skillet with food in it and I cook most of my meals now from scratch instead out of a box. ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    Yes after three almost four years on antibiotics I am doing a lot better. I probably will stay on Minocin for as long as I can take it. I am so glad you doing so well, keep it up. I try also to encourage new people because I know it is the hardest thing to believe the AP works. I knew I could never go back to the medication the rheumy had given me because I was getting so ill from it. It takes patients and a strong believe AP works.
    Eva ๐Ÿ™‚

    Eva Holloway


    Judy, what wonderful news!!!

    I guess I’ve been around here longer than I think, because I remember when you were searching for answers. Priming and painting a kitchen takes a lot of energy and you can’t be in pain to do that kind of work. What a thrill to be back doing things you used to do. Last weekend I did a lot of yard work, something that I hadn’t done in a while, and it felt so good. It’s just the reminder that you’re getting your life back ๐Ÿ˜€ .


    Jan Lucinda1

    Great news.

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