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    I haven’t been on this board for several years so I don’t know if this subject has come up. However I have a neighbor who has just made an incredible comeback from Lyme disease with the use of a hyperbaric chamber. Not many details available yet as I need to sit down and really get the whole story but thought I would mention it and see what others have to add. This woman suffered for several years undiagnosed and was home bound and pretty much bedridden. She started sleeping in a chamber recently and she is out and about etc. I have been on AP for 13 years for SSc and it truly saved my life. Just wanted to add this to the board in case anyone had more info and I will post more after I talk to her at length.

    After a few quick searches on the web I found several studies of HC and treatment of raynauds and sclero that looked promising. Q

    systemic sclerosis 14 yrs. minocin and minocycline 13yrs.


    There are some good stories out there of people finding hyperbaric helpful. A warning though. Make sure you have treated Babesia first before doing hyperbaric. Babesia is oxygen loving. My husband did a course of hyperbaric before we knew he had Lyme and it caused a horrible downward spiral for him with increased symptoms in his pulmomary fibrosis and myositis.


    @qman wrote:

    I have been on AP for 13 years for SSc and it truly saved my life. Just wanted to add this to the board in case anyone had more info and I will post more after I talk to her at length.

    systemic sclerosis 14 yrs. minocin and minocycline 13yrs.

    Qman, thanks so much for popping by and sharing the good news of your recovery from Scleroderma using AP! 😀 Is there any chance you’d be willing to send us your remission story to load onto the main site testimonials? Would be great to add your story there, which would be so uplifting for newcomers. Thanks!

    I don’t have any personal experience of Hyperbaric therapy for Lyme to share with you, but I did speak with a young Lyme patient’s parents after going to a Pam Weintraub book signing (she wrote Cure Unknown) a couple years ago and they told me that they had to stop their child’s therapy as the reaction was monstrous. Reading what Parisa says makes very good sense in this light, because babesiosis, a common tickborne coinfection of Lyme, is a red blood cell protozoan parasite that thrives in iron-rich and oxygen-rich environments and it may well be making the infection worse, if untreated prior to Hyperbaric therapy.

    My guess is that everyone is going to react uniquely to any treatment depending on so many things…untreated infections, state immune function, ability to detox, disease severity, etc. I have to admit, I’d love to try Hyperbaric therapy now that I’m feeling so much better just to see how much better I could feel! You tend to forget after a long period of unwellness just how good you can feel. I put a lot of things down to creeping age these days, but gotta wonder. 😆

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