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    Hi everyone,

    I was speaking with Dr. S. this week and he recommended I add 500mg (2x250mg at once) Azithromycin 2 days per week. I am already taking Minocycline 100mg bid every day. Has anyone here done this? I just wondered if the Mino and the Azithromycin should/should not be taken at the same time. Also, I take the Mino on an empty stomach, not sure about the Azithromycin.

    Also, on this new drug, can I expect a herx even with 2 day dosing?

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    All the best


    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Diana;
    I was looking below your post to see what disease and med/supplements you are on.Could you add the info when you have time.If you have SD you hit it hard and fast but if it’s RA go slower.Zith stays in the body for up to 14 days.Mino did not give me any herx but when I added Zith it was as if someone pulled the rug out from under me.YOWZA!!!! and it only took one day to hit.
    I always take my mino with some food to avoid stomach problems,just make sure there is no dairy or food high in iron such as spinach,same with Zith .Mino early morning with toast and black coffee,zith with lunch,mino with evening snack


    @DianaW13 wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I was speaking with Dr. S. this week and he recommended I add 500mg (2x250mg at once) Azithromycin 2 days per week. I am already taking Minocycline 100mg bid every day. Has anyone here done this? I just wondered if the Mino and the Azithromycin should/should not be taken at the same time. Also, I take the Mino on an empty stomach, not sure about the Azithromycin.

    Also, on this new drug, can I expect a herx even with 2 day dosing?

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    All the best


    Hi Diana,

    I have recently added Azithromycin to my Doxy protocol. I take my Doxy per usual, as 100 mg + 100 mg, on MWF, then I take 250 mg Azithromycin on Tu and Sat.

    Per the instructions in the prescription packet, it’s okay to take it with or without food. It also says to take it away from magnesium. You can find more info here: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a697037.html

    If you have any doubts about the dosing or timing on your particular protocol, I encourage you to contact your doctor for clarification.

    I was quite uncomfortable for about a week after introducing Azithromycin. I had leg aches so pronounced it interfered with my sleep. Then, for about the first month or so, I had an stomach upset off & on, and a queasy feeling after eating. Appetite down. In general, I wasn’t feeling so hot, and I chalked it up to adjusting to the new medication + Herxing.

    I’ve increased my intake of probiotics, and I don’t have my nightly glass of red wine any more, switching to 1-2x a week.

    About six weeks after starting the Azithromycin, I noticed the swelling in my hands reduced, joint pain improved, and I was reaching for the Advil much less often. It’s doing something good! The queasiness is better too now.

    Good luck!


    Thank you Lynne and M,

    I have FINALLY added a signature. Thanks for your advice. I am a little nervous to start/change my usual routine. The Mino is working okay in most areas that I had problems with, however, my knees (and feet somewhat) have not been great especially since late winter when the Apo brand Mino stopped working for me. I switched to TEVA and felt better, but I am just not where I was this time last year.



    Hi Diana
    I have SD, Lyme and myco p–now in remission. I took azithromycin for quite some time, 5 days on 5 days off. , alternate times from the mino/doxy. I did find it difficult fitting in all the probiotics and magnesium when taking antibiotics 4x/day. Started to run out of time slots so started taking my probiotics in the middle of the night. I figured they were in there the longest without being killed off. Became a habit and I still do it without fail. Just up the probiotics and fermented foods. I did not have any issues with the zith. I did have an EGK just after beginning to make sure it was not causing any heart rhythm problems as I was taking it so often
    good luck

    Systemic Scleroderma since 2010. Lyme and Myco P. AP and many other antibiotics and treatments since Nov. 2011. Presently mostly in remission other than fatigue.
    Teva Minocycline 100mg a day. Dessicated tyroid, LDN 4.5, LDI, hawthorne, curcurmin, berberine,, caprylex, reishi mushroom, liver protect, zinc,, fish oils, magnesium, vit K2, d3, bcomp, E, C


    Thank you Kate, I think I will try your suggestion re the probiotics in the night. Especially on the days I take the second antibiotic. It does get complicated at times juggling around what to take near what etc.


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