Home Forums General Discussion How does AP really work?

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    I was just wondering if the joint damge that is occurring during the course of the disease before it is brought into a remission with AP somehow weakens the joint. Then, years later as our bodies age and free radicals do their damage to our bodies, maybe those joints that were damaged are more susceptible to the destruction caused by free radicals. How do we know if the damage is due to RA or osteoarthritis? Can that be determined by the x-ray, or is it just being assumed that the damage is from RA?

    If this were one of the causes, then weight-bearing exercise and making sure we're getting enough calcium could help prevent some of the continuous joint damage. I guess my question is, Are joints damaged by RA more susceptible to ostearthritis than healthy joints?, and could this be the culprit of continuing joint damge even when the patient feels healthy and labs are normal?



    That is a VERY good point. One I didn't think, but which makes a lot of sense. I think you can have RA and osteoarthritis (caused by overuse) so this is a very good possibility.

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