Home Forums General Discussion how do you know if you have Candida?

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    my joint pains have moved from knees and ankles, to shoulders and elbow?? burning legs are still there though.


    there is alot of syptoms caused be candida……..headaces was the main issue for me……i took a probotic called latero flora….i swear ny it.


    I believe it is the nature of this “Shifting ” RA disease. It shifts around so much attacking all joints. I have been on Olive Extract and Probiotics for a year. Olive extract is supposed to help with Candida symptoms but apparently it is not Candida that is attacking my joints. On my research on Candida, I tried many things available at http://www.vitacost.com but the disease never stopped shifting around 🙄


    have u tried raw juicing….try move towards an alkaline system..most parasites will find it impossible to survive….imagine being in half the pain your in now….juicing will do that…then u can cut down on the meds.



    Ben, been there and done that already. I am currently using tri-salt (for almost 10 months now) every day. Tri salt is alkalalizing and so is lemon juice (Every night, I am using lemon/olive drink). Raw juicing is something that I did every day even before RA hit me.


    Hi there,

    Raw juicing? This is all news to me. Can you tell all how much and how often and include recipe’s please. 🙂

    Ben does it really reduce your pain by half and how long did it take to see results?



    we are what we eat….i truely beleive that…..i have not taken any meds for 7 months….was on methotrexate, minocycline, steriods….juicing and probotics untill i get a doctor to perscribe rifmapin/zithromax. the majority of these diseases get worse when foriegn bodies enter our blood stream (leaky gut caused by hard meds)…..give the organs what they want….keep it all good.



    i bought my juicer of amazon…


    funny you should mention juicing. i just bought a nice one two weeks ago. lots of carrots, broccoli, cucumber, apples, pineapple. everything i can juice ive been juicing. mind you i just went into remission again, a day after i posted about me considering enbrel. im getting an appointment with a rheumy. im starting to think i have reactive arthritis or maybe even AS. as this disease hasnt even considered touching my hands or wrists. my symptoms fall into the other two categories and all my tests come back neg for everything. anywho after i started mino i went into a 4 month remission which was just awesome then i had a massive three week flare, and then BAM!! it left faster then it ever has which was weird. one day im just in soooo much pain thinking ok its enbrel time. then BAM!! next day it was gone. ive been in remission for 8 days i think now? no pain nothing just gone, fast as a bullet. so strange 😯

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