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    Hi guys,
    I am still in this uncertain place where I do not have a diagnosis of scleroderma. I have a positive scl-70 of a 5.5, and strange symptoms. More recently I have tenderness on my fingers and toes. I am treating with minocycline 100 bid and clindamycine MWF 600 BID. Been doing that for 3 to 4 months. Feel like things are not better. The pain on my fingers and toes seems worst in fact. In anycase, I have noticed that my symptoms are much worst mid-cycle. I am also getting spotting before the end of my period. I think my estrogen levels are out of wack with progesterone. I am wondering if anyone here has considered treatment with progesterone. Traditional testing suggests that my levels TSH and other related hormones are fine. I read that progesterone is being considered for treatment of immune diseases. Are there natural ways to regulate my hormones.

    I would love any feedback.



    Donna, I don’t know if your pre or post menopausal, but get your hormones checked. I did, and started bio-identical hormones 1 1/2 years ago, taking estrogen progesterone and occasionally, testosterone. For some of us, the hormones have an immune modulating effect. My labs are still far from normal, but did improve after the three month mark on hormones. I have RA, and have read most RA patients (women) are found to be severely lacking in testosterone, particularly. No harm in getting these levels checked, its just another piece of the puzzle. All the best, Lizz


    Donna yes there are natural ways to address hormones. It’s also good to do a salivia test to see before you just add a hormone in to see where your levels are at 1st. For some reason I seemed to not get past my SD symptoms & more developed but i also have Lyme disease & other issues like a low thyroid I am now on armour thyroid all of these plus do look into estradiol as well as testerone as components as well as progesterone. If this test indicates a imbalance then discuss treatment with your doc. There are compounding pharmacies that use bioidentical hormones made from plant bases.

    Sharing these links below –

    Keep in mind that people with the most common form of hypothyroidism have an increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. If pain, stiffness and swelling don’t improve after adequate thyroid treatment, consult your doctor. He or she may consider other possible causes of your joint pain.

    from- http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hypothyroidism/AN00069

    It maybe in my case that it’s just takes more than one thing to help the body be able to heal. Definitely worth looking into & to keep chipping away at the puzzle. i also discovered i had/have Candida this also gets in the way for the immune to regain function & makes almost all AP ineffective til this is addressed well 1st – for me this has been a big piece of the puzzle as is the above things i mentioned. It’s important to address our bodies needs as much as possible, in order to give a rounded support in my opinion.

    Keep you chin up – Jill SD, Lyme, Cpn & candida.


    Oh be sure to have a doc who looks beyond just the TSH – a complete thryoid panel as you can be off for T3 or T4 & not all doc’s check both they often forget T3 & there are other components too that a doc who deals more in depth with thyroid looks at that most GP’s do not.


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