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    I remember reading in the book about Dr S wanting one lady to give up all antacids while on treatment (which she agreed to). My question is this, is it only because they bind to the minocin? What about a couple of tums on days off (T or Thur) is that also a no-no? Just asking, so I know if it’s ok to take an occasional tums or not? Does anyone else have heartburn?! Mine went away for months then I stopped the Minocin for almost 2 weeks to take amoxicillin for an acute infection and that’s when it started up again ๐Ÿ™ Oh my it’s always something! I have a feeling mine is partly stress right now also! Time to RELAX! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would appreciate anyones comments on this! Thanks!


    Tums should be fine as long as you don’t take them within two hours of before or after you take your mino.

    I had bad heartburn back in 2008 that just seemed to come out of nowhere. What I did to get rid of it was to take 75 mg of ranitidine (Zantac) every day, first thing in the morning. After a few months I switched to 10 mg of famotidine (Pepcid) because it seemed to work better and supposedly has fewer side effects. I also stopped drinking coffee. Eventually I was able to taper down to the point that I was only taking famotidine a couple of times a week, and now I don’t take it at all.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Thank you Phil. I’m hoping it’s from taking almost two weeks off the mino and restarting possibly?! If it keeps up I may have to try pepcid!


    @mkay wrote:

    I remember reading in the book about Dr S wanting one lady to give up all antacids while on treatment (which she agreed to). My question is this, is it only because they bind to the minocin? What about a couple of tums on days off (T or Thur) is that also a no-no? Just asking, so I know if it’s ok to take an occasional tums or not? Does anyone else have heartburn?! Mine went away for months then I stopped the Minocin for almost 2 weeks to take amoxicillin for an acute infection and that’s when it started up again ๐Ÿ™ Oh my it’s always something! I have a feeling mine is partly stress right now also! Time to RELAX! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would appreciate anyones comments on this! Thanks!

    A really good remedy I have found for heartburn is 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. I used to be a daily user of Prilosec and frankly was tired of taking something that destroys the stomach enzymes I need to digest my food. This WILL NOT work if you do not cease taking any calcium,heartburn meds. You must try this after you have STOPPED taking them for a few days and may try more than once ( A lot of this is to stop thinking you MUST take an antacid after eating ! ) Ask any doctor if they regularly take any antacids and they will tell you !


    I had brutal heartburn for years before RA, then when i got RA i went on a diet of complex carbs, vegies and meat (no deli meat). cutting out white and whole wheat bread and switchng to rye bread is what i contributed to my heartburn going away completely. minocycline hasnt given me heartburn unless i eat something that either converts to sugar or is sugar. (white bread and whole wheat bread convert to sugars when they are eaten. i also quit drinking coffee but i drink it now in small cups cuz coffee makes me puke in the morning if i drink too much, i could never figure out why that was i guess my tummy aint up for it

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