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    Hi there,

    I have a question that I’m hoping someone can shed some light on.

    I’ve been taking doxycycline again now for two weeks, and I think I am herxing – much more joint pain and stiffness, fatigue, etc.

    That nonwithstanding, since starting the medication again I’ve begun to experience pronounced headaches – and I have never been one to get headaches. They are also hurting in a part of my head that has never ached before.

    I figured this must be a side effect and when I googled it, I got sort of a disturbing result: http://www.nature.com/bdj/journal/v194/n9/full/4810063a.html which describes intracranial hypertension that can lead to vision loss.

    The suggestion in there that anyone who experiences a headache after starting doxy should cease immediately and begin treatment for IH seems extreme to me – and I really don’t want to bother Dr F. or his nurse AGAIN with another doxy reaction, given that every weird reaction I am experiencing since getting back on the doxy seems to be transient and short-lived. E.g. rashes that go away, fatigue that comes and goes, itching that comes and goes, etc.

    My question is, have any of you on mino or doxy experienced a headache before and have any of your AP docs or LLMDs shed light on this subject? I wonder if I should be detoxing more, doing more fish oils, etc.

    Anyway, I don’t want to be overly reactive and at the same time, I clearly don’t want to lose my vision!

    Thanks for your thoughts or experiences… hope everyone is well!


    Jan Lucinda1

    I haven’t had this experience, but the article said the patients had headaches and blurred vision. Are you having blurred vision?
    If you are concerned you might cut the dosage. I hope you feel better.


    Susan LymeRA

    Sounds like die off. You might try increasing detox efforts. I use Vitamin C and Magnesium which seems to keep things moving.


    @Susan Lyme/RA wrote:

    Sounds like die off. You might try increasing detox efforts.

    I agree with Susan. Intensifying detox is a must.
    Btw.: I got headaches almost immediately after I starting AP (and had none for 20+ years prior to abx). Do you still use your FIR sauna regularly? If yes, also use additional types of detox, and maybe some neuroprotective supps?
    Warm wishes, Krys

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