Home Forums General Discussion Gut health test results – I’m back again!

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    Hi everyone I’ve come back again! I tried doxy for about a year with moderate success a couple of years ago to treat Psoriatic Arthritis, switching to mino which gave me bad headaches and a swaying sensation whenever I moved. I’ve since ended up taking conventional meds without success, now down to 10mg of prednisilone daily.

    I had a comprehensive gut health test done last year and have had great difficulty following up the results with actual treatment. Maybe someone can help? I tried my GP but he said he couldn’t treat the findings as he didn’t think they were a systemic infection. The elements tested in my stool test are shown with specific values, which I won’t put here, but are on a scale of green through orange to red, with red being abnormally high levels. Showing in red for my test:

    Pseudomonas bacteria, Enterococcus, Aerobic germs, a-haemolytic Streptococcus, Bacteroides, Clostridium, Eubacterium.

    There was also a low level of Lactobacillus, and a fairly high level of malabsorption of proteins from my diet. The gut health score I got was 12 out of 15, with 15 being the worst!

    I got the test through YorkTest in the UK using a German lab, and believe the test was accurate. However the follow up was a load of rubbish on the phone and didn’t even provide me with a treatment plan to follow. I was told to take one step at a time when I suggested I might use digestive enzymes with my food to help me digest proteins better….was only given a probiotic suggestion after half an hour, and at


    Hi Ali,

    How much minocycline were you taking?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Hi Phil,

    If I remember right it was 100mg m, w, and f, with a view to building that up to 200mg on those days. It was by the third dose that the side effects were too much. I think I must have been very sensitive to it.


    Hi Ali,

    I recently learned that a lot of those bacterias you have can be killed with phage therapy.

    Also, check out Dr. Ettinger’s web site (not related to phage).
    I would start his protocal since a lot of the bacteria you mentioned have biofilms.



    Hi Ali,

    I have been learning lots about Bacteriophage therapy. I found this phage therapy product for one of the bacteria’s you have posted that you have.

    Another interesting link I found on the subject was

    Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.



    Hi MMW,

    Thanks for that, it’s very interesting what’s out there when you start looking. I’ve realised that we have to do our own research come a certain point as doctors I’ve met so far have not been that helpful. What a wonderful thing the Internet is!

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