Home Forums General Discussion good link to oral health, bacterias & autoimmune

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    The oral/dental health of a person is very often overlooked. Many would not have given it a second thought, but just the very opposite, it deserves as much attention as other aspects of autoimmune /rheumatic

    Bulk of evidence has pointed to the high levels of circulating bacteria and its endotoxins that could travel through the mucosa to other organs in the body and cause harm. Fact is, there have actually been over 400 studies published since the 1980s on oral health and arthritis
    This stresses extractions as a risk factor, not just root canals & talks about how difficult it is for ABX to be able to reach these areas.




    Jill enjoyed your article…..I am fascinated with the oral health link to various health conditions. I am going to add an article I read today.http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/264842.php
    Although the implication was colorectal cancer and oral health, I found some of the references in the original research reminded me of the peptide treatments some were using.

    “… FadA binds to E-cadherin, activates ?-catenin signaling, and differentially regulates the inflammatory and oncogenic responses. The FadA-binding site on E-cadherin is mapped to an 11-amino-acid region. A synthetic peptide derived from this region of E-cadherin abolishes FadA-induced CRC cell growth and oncogenic and inflammatory responses …”

    E-cadherin is a molecule that helps cells stick to each other and is important for maintaining tissue architecture. So the compound they found is a synthetic version of the part of E-cadherin that FadA binds to.

    It’s the references to the amino acids and peptides that made me think of that. It seems there is a definite link with mouth bacteria and gut health and disease and they think they have a potential treatment. I am curious to see how that goes.


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