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    Hi All!

    It’s me again. I just need to vent for a minute. I was talking to a person in another website about lymphoma and options and I told her about the IPT (low dose insulin potentiated chemo) that I am doing. Well another person replied that I was a “spammer full of misinformation and lies” and on and on. It really hurt my feelings and reminded me what Jack has been through on another site I wont mention. ๐Ÿ˜ก

    It is so frustrating that the close minded people have such rigid and hateful things to say if you even vear a little off the “beaten” path. Besides Jack and I have put hundreds (or more) of hours into researching the right treatment for me. Aside from that I am in the medical profession so if anyone should be rigid, it should be me, right. But I believe that everyone should make their own choice about which treatment they use, I just want everyone to really educate themselves and make an informed decision.

    I apologize for my vent, but I needed to get it out of me……Thank you for listening.



    Hi Jen,

    I think many people find it scary to open their minds to other possibilities. Anything different must make their heads hurt too much. Sorry, you ran into such ugliness at time when you are trying to share your thoughts and pass your research on to others.


    @jlc6166 wrote:

    But I believe that everyone should make their own choice about which treatment they use, I just want everyone to really educate themselves and make an informed decision.

    Here, here, Jen – well said! ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re such a woman of strength. You’ve beaten the odds on one disease and I have no doubt you will beat this one, too. Just keep your eye on the goal – when you’re healed, no doubt it will be seen as yet another case of “spontaneous remission,” but in your heart you’ll know and your friends here will, too.


    Jen, I almost feel like a traitor voicing such an opinion, but when it’s the time in your life when you need to gather all your strength and resources, maybe it is best to wait with visiting the “rigid” sites until you are stronger and already more on the way out of a challenge? Please forgive me for the above remark. You have a beautiful and strong heart and mind and you are very generous in wanting to share what you have found. But it would be prudent to guard against everything that may undermine your strength and joy. It’s in the line of: “do what I preach, not what I do”, but you know what I mean…..
    Gentle hugs, Krys

    Jan Lucinda1


    Let me quote Dr. Seuss again:

    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ๐Ÿ˜€


    Thank you guys for your support and kind words. It’s so helpful to me to know that you guys support me.




    I posted a comment on another site and OUCH! Did I get bit! I can’t even remember what it was, but I got hit with both barrels. I couldn’t wait for the post to fall off the first page.

    I couldn’t understand why, when we are all hurting, there had to be such a negative response. I guess I learned to re read my posts, I wouldn’t want to do that to someone!

    Hugs to you….

    Eva Holloway

    I understand what you say Jen, I was on a Dermatomyositis site and when I mentioned AP did I ever get it and after that many times they blocked my msg when I replied to someone that needed help with AP. Now that site is better more people have heard about AP, but it is sad when people will not even listen what you have to say.
    Hope you have a god Easter.
    Eva ๐Ÿ™‚

    Eva Holloway


    Jen when people are ill they can be quite irritable and sometimes quite nasty. Dont take it to heart. I agree entirely that we should all be able to choose even if we stuff up. Especially when you have done the research you have done. Dont be hard on yourself. You amongst friends here. People who are hurting terribly will find the site and listen to those who are getting relief, then maybe give it a go. We all wish they understood but most dont. To me it is logical to treat infections like this. These bacteria can kill you. Wish I had found out sooner and been able to get help sooner. Early treatment is so important. I was so excited to find something to help me, and sure you were too.

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