Home Forums General Discussion Food grade diatomaceous earth for scleroderma

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  • #306852
    Debbie star

    I read the info for;

    Food grade diatomaceous earth taken orally is excellent for getting rid of
    parasites , fungus, viruses and bacteria, can help clean the gut and regulate bowel movements

    I was following a thread and have bought some of the diatomaceous earth,
    Upon reading further into it, i realised that it has silica and this is what people apparantly with scleroderma should avoid???

    Does anyone here know about whether or not it would be okay for scleroderma people?

    warmest wishes


    Debbie – this is GOOD stuff I have used it on quite a few litters of pups over the years & it works in worming & helping them with to grow bone well etc BUT with that said i used to use it but VERY off & on never regularly – what it did was make my skin VERY soft I remember that well. A friend uses this for his BP regulates it – without needing to take BP med’s BUT I dont know like you on this silicia thing. I always read dont inhale the silicia which this is ingested but even so i just dont know – I wish i did in a al person who does not have SD it is fine – I really dont think the 3 times i took this in the last few yr’s one way or another makes a difference but it does make you hesitate AND it does work for so many of the other areas.

    Sorry I cant be of more help I wish I knew the answer as well!

    Jill SD & Lyme

    Debbie star

    Thanks Jill,
    for the reply,
    yes it is a touchy thing….
    I am tempted to try it for a few days re the parasites and keep a good eye on myself for anything bad happening…. 😕


    Let us know how it goes, i have thought the same thing as you – but i felt i had to get things calmed down a bit 1st in getting a regimine going.
    Maybe a question for the manufacturer if they may know? but then again i dont expect alot of info with SD but … worth a shot.
    Jill SD & Lyme


    I use DE fairly regularly…..buy it from earthworkshealth.com

    They have a long list of customer testimonials, maybe you can check them….I’ve called the company with questions and they are very helpful. jam


    Hi Diatomaceous earth food grade contains 85% amorphous silica which is passed into the blood stream –Silica is a proven cause of scleroderma —Enough said —I also wonder about the rate of scleroderma among the people who mine this stuff —


    I did a bit of research on Silica–got kind of excited about its benefits–then a bit concerned about its side effects–

    In general, silica is perfectly safe for most individuals. While it is safe, some considerations are necessary before taking the supplements.

    Some individuals might have excessive urination resulting in dehydration. To combat this particular side effect, drinking plenty of water is helpful.

    Too much silica results in vitamin deficiencies in other areas of the body, particularly thiamin or vitamin B1. Like any other supplement, too much is not healthy. While silica in small amounts is healthy, taking large amounts for an extended period of time will cause other health problems. Take small dosages of silica for healthy benefits unless a doctor suggests more.

    Too much silica can also result in kidney damage. Taking a silica supplement means taking it responsibly. If the body has too much silica, the body tries to flush it out via the kidneys. While once or twice is not harmful, taking too much for an extended period of time results in kidney stones and eventually kidney deterioration.

    As with all things, gotta be careful–

    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?

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