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    Hi Ben,

    Do you know / ever heard of Trich causing Reactive Arthritis??? I doubt I have Trich with so many PCR negative test but Flagyl is very specific drug and I have not read about any studies regarding Anarobic bactria causing prostate infection / Reactive Arthritis.

    There are many other protozoa besides Trichomonas, and some of them are known to be associated with rheumatic disease. By the way, I think that you may be infected with some kind of protozoa, or some kind of bacteria that is resistant (perhaps naturally so) to many of the commonly used antibiotics. Or you may be infected with both. That’s why I suggested hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), which is used as a DMARD and to treat/prevent malaria (a type of protozoal infection).

    So I guess I’m on the right track – only if I could tolerate Flagyl for few months. 2 weeks is max before Flagyl causes stomach issues.

    Have you been taking probiotics every day?

    Your last post indicates Flagyl is better at prostate penetration but how do you completely get rid of the bug to avoid immune mediated, especially if it’s in BIOFILM?

    It may not be possible to totally eliminate the pathogen(s), but you can attempt to reduce their numbers down to a level where they don’t cause problems (as long as they are kept suppressed). Hopefully, given enough time, the immune system will eventually kill off the few remaining members of the “bug” population. I am not a fan of that approach, but I can see where, in some cases, it might be the only option left.

    As for biofilms, there are ways to attack those. There are also other treatment options you can pursue if the path you’re currently pursuing turns out to be a dead end.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein



    This totally make sense why flagy seems to help. I will talk to my id doc about the antiparasatic / malaria drug u mention .

    The Rehummy says there is no way parasitic can cause arthetis. He’s wrong.

    So far today would mark 10 days of doxy 200mg a day. Not much improvement other some minor aches and clear skin.

    No prostatic or arthetis improvement.

    Are there any other anti parasitic drugs besides what u mention and flagyl or tindamax that I can speak to my id doc about.

    Why can’t the doc put this together it’s being 2 years and I see a doc every month.


    Hi Ben,

    Are there any other anti parasitic drugs besides what u mention and flagyl or tindamax that I can speak to my id doc about.

    Actually there are quite a few. Here’s one example: In addition to being an antibacterial, Bactrim is used to treat some protozoal infections. Since Bactrim helped you, there’s another clue that you may have a protozoal infection .


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein

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