Home Forums General Discussion Feeling Scared about PAH… going to ER right now

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    Hi Everyone,

     I am alone.. literally alone. My fiance has gone out of state to visit relatives and will be gone for another month. I have 2 sisters, but I really cant talk to them about any of this, because their reactions ( fear, ignorance, etc. ) only end up complicating things for me andf making the situation worse, so I never talk to them about my health.

    So, I am getting scared about Pulmonary Hypertension.

    I recently had a visit w/ my AP doc, who simply recommended me to get a yearly Echo or my heart and a PFT test. ( a previous PFT a year ago showed no problems.. the echo showed “mild mitral valve regurgitation” )

    Fast forward to the last few days…  I have been having chest pressure. not pain, but pressure.

    If you look up Mitral Valve regurgitation, chest pressure can be a symptom. if you read further, it is also related to PAH. ( although I am not sure if any potential PAH would be related to the Mitral valve thing alone, or if it would be related to the sclero alone, or a combo )

    Anyway.. just called the cardiologists office to move up my echo appt, and they wouldnt do it.. they told me to call my AP doc. Just got off the phone w/ his nurse… she spoke w/ him, and he wants me to go straight to the ER.    🙁

    So, here I am.. alone and scared….. wondering what the heck is wrong with me……. fearing the worst ( as I always do, as I am a die hard pessimist ) and having nobody to talk to about this…

    Anyone have any input? do you have PAH? ( I dont have PAH.. at least not that I know of, but I am fearing it big time ) or do you have Mild Mitral Valve regurgitation? have you ever experienced chest pressure?

    Any / all responses will be greatly appreciated… I will read them when I get back from the emergency room….  wish me luck…. and for those of you who pray, send one up for me, K?

    Connie  <<  scared....  



    I don't have any experience with anything you are talking about, but you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers!

    I'm so glad you are going to be checked out.  Hopefully it is nothing, or else the anxiety is making something worse than it will turn out to be.  I'm sorry you are alone while this is happening, but thankful you are listening to the nurse and going to the ER.  You need to have this diagnosed, both for treatment and peace of mind!

    I hope everything goes well and will be looking for your follow up post!

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    judy cash


    Sorry for what you are going through, wish I could be there for you. I don't have any experience with these issues either, but you will be in my thoughts and PRAYERS. Please let us know as soon as you can….

    Thinking of you,



    Hi Connie,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you.  I totally understand how you are feeling, I ended up in the ER for chest pressure in May and was on pins and needles even after they told me I wasn't having a heart attack until I could see the cardiologist a week later to get the echocardiogram done.  I'd been having lots of pain, nausea, cold sweating and other symptoms like coughing and was convinced of the worst.  It turned out that my heart (and later my lungs, when I did a breath test with pulmonologist) were still normal (other than the IRBBB) and that all of my symptoms were from gastritis and the esophageal problems.

    I am hopeful that the ER visit won't be too expensive for you and that the news will be good.  If you have been on AP for a year, I would imagine that you probably haven't had a lot of progression of your disease? but I know that anything can happen and I will be praying hard.



    I will be praying for you for sure. Wish you had someone's hand to hold right now. We're all pulling for you , so you are not alone. I've only had RA for a little while so I'm not in your boat, but I did have chest pressure recently and after a day of one Clindy IV I felt some relief from my chest pressur/pain. The dr that adminstered it told me some patients come in to her office for a Clindy IV, but they have athlerosclerosis. She told me it helps them too, I don't know if that is helpful or not. Well I hope everything goes well, take care, things will look up .



    I'm sorry you are going through this alone, I will be praying for you.  Let us know how things go.

    Hugs, Theresa


    Hi Connie,

      So sorry to hear of your anxiety over PAH. I know the feeling as I constantly worry about my daughter Rachael and her MCTD. I thought I would pass along some information I recently learned. I recently sent one of the leading researchers into MCTD an email in regards to Rachael and her declining lung function tests.  He advised me to have Rachael do an exercise echocardiogram instead of the at-rest version. He also recommended a blood test called BNP for Brain Natriuretic Peptide. These were recommended in order to rule out PAH.

      I hope this post finds you doing better.

    John M.





    So sorry you are scared, and hope you are back home and doing well this morning….

    I don't have PAH, and can't imagine how scary it is to be alone with these symptoms.  If I remember correctly, you are pursuing lyme.  Many of these kind of symptoms, if they are lyme-induced, can improve and resolve with treatment. 

    Hope this finds you doing better, my thoughts and prayers are with you …


    [user=1441]Conniel7777[/user] wrote:

    wish me luck…. and for those of you who pray, send one up for me, K?

    Hi Connie–

    You've got my prayers, too!!  I hope things have settled down for you–

    Take care,



    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi Connie,

    Still praying very hard – have been worrying about you.  I really hope you are doing okay and not stuck in the hospital.  Sending warmest wishes for your full health –


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