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    Hi Misty- AIP did work wonders- esp to heal my gut after a heavy round of abx for the Lyme treatments- it gave me a near remission for almost 2 years-so I will likely be on this diet forever- sadly I had a massive return of disease symptoms following an episode of EBV and a kidney infection- however, a combo of AP and the AIP diet is keeping me off prednisone, biologics, and even NSAIDs! My rheumy still wants to bring down the inflammation further (wants me to consider adding LDN along with some other supplements)- but she feels we are moving in the right direction-

    RA/Lyme: 100mg Minocin (brand) MWF, 3mg LDN, 10mg CBD- BID


    Hi Spiffy,

    Looking at my picture I am giving more thought to starting Plaquenil. It seems like everything about me leads to RA. If it were not so serious, it truly would be funny. I think of RA in the center of the Bullseye and all my being points toward it. No one else in my family has had it. But I guess I got the perfect mix of everything to stir the stew. Just for starters…MTHFR, DR4/DQ8, RA factor, Lyme, mold, high neutrophils, low lymphs, EBV reactivation at very high titers, food intolerances, and stress. I am the perfect storm. So for me, if I were to take away one of these, it would not matter much. I will somehow have to get around taking Methotrexate because it is a folate depleter. So I guess Plaquenil will be the first place to start and then move to biologics.

    I have a different perspective for you to consider. In addition to being an antibacterial, minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties. At the dose that you are taking, you are getting less than half of the anti-inflammatory properties of minocycline than you could be getting. You have also tested positive for Lyme Disease. Successful treatment of Lyme Disease requires a considerably more aggressive approach than the treatment regimen that you are currently on. Consequently, I think it would make much more sense to increase your dose of minocycline than to add hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) to a low dose of minocycline.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Thanks, Phil, for your thoughts! I guess I have been wishy washy over the Lyme. In the back of my head I wonder if more antibiotics….like an LLMD would do…would be better for my system in the long run. I was not CDC positive, but through Igenex I had bands 18, 31, 34, 41,39, 58, 83-93…..maybe more, but these are what I remember. The bands I have are pretty Lyme specific, huh? My Dr. In Annapolis has me down for Lyme disease as my diagnosis. My chiropractor thinks in addition to Lyme I have mold issues. She says my problem is getting rid of what is killed in my system. This is why she has me on phytosterols as a binder. If I really get into another flare I will throw myself at an LLMD and take every antibiotic he could give me. I would have to go down trying. My doc in Annapolis…his approach is to watch the bloodwork normalize and see how I feel. These are his measurements of how much Mino to give. I don’t know. I have probably wasted a lot of time. The head spokesperson at Igenex…Bob…told me I should have taken double the doxy that I did in the very beginning. He said that would have gotten me somewhere. But as long as my ra factor keeps going down I see this as a good sign. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.

    DR4/DQ8 HLA, bio toxin illness
    Flare fall of 2014...muscle aches, joint pains, fatigue, hair loss, rashes
    Positive RA factor was 71 in January 2015 down to 28 as of September 2016
    IGG food allergies wheat, egg, dairy
    supplements: C and D, probiotics, milk thistle, Turmeric, cod liver oil, methyl b 12 & folate, digestive enzymes, Moducare, chlorella, berberine, LDN, monolaurin, Triphala, Patriot Greens
    MTHFR compound heterozygous
    Igenex IGM Lyme positive
    Minocycline 100 BID MWF

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