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    I had a cough in Dec. One doc prescribed Amoxicillin and that didn’t help. Another told me to take Prilosec and that stopped the cough 2 weeks later. I have been taking it since then. But in mid-January I started feeling that something was stuck in my throat. I just had an endoscopy done that shows that there is no gross lesion in the esophagus. But I still have that “something is stuck there” feeling. I don’t seem to have problem swallowing. Does anyone have that experience? And solution?


    Hi Hoping,

    Just a thought, but did anyone check you for thyroid nodules? I have those and, when they flare, I can get that sensation, too.

    It’s great you had other stuff ruled out with the endoscopy…so many things can cause this type of sensation, including reflux, but just wondered if they’d overlooked using ultrasound to check your thyroid?

    Hope you can figure this out soon! 🙂 Otherwise, how are you doing, Hoping?


    I had this same feeling a couple of months ago, not pleasant. I have read sometimes plain old anxiety can also cause this also. Here is another theory…http://www.voicedoctor.net/therapy/cps.html

    Hope it goes away soon 🙂


    Thanks Maz and mkay for replying. I just called the doctor’s office and asked about the details. The person said my esophagus showed some narrowing. The doctor dilated it during endoscopy and did a biopsy. She told me to wait for the results. I am getting nervous since my blood test back in 2006 showed a centromere pattern of ANA and I was diagnosed with the CREST form of scleroderma. I haven’t been showing any other signs of scleroderma in the past 4.5 years though. Is this the beginning of the symptoms??? I also have acid reflux problem. I really don’t know which causes which. My gastroenterologist (the one who did the endoscopy) said sometimes the doxycycline can cause esophagus problems, too. I hope it’s not going to be terrible life ahead.

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