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    It took me 3 months to get into him but he is really really good, if you like a layed back approach, now sometimes I want him to get excited and he just will not. You could try, he is in Salt Lake City. If you want his details I will send them in a pm as not sure if we are supposed to mention doc names much on here. When I told him about my first Rheumy he said , just so you know, he and I are totally different. He said my first guy is black and white and he is not. He believes that we only know about 1/2 of what we need to about the human body and even less about RA. He said he does not know what causes it and he isnt gonna pretend he does, when I asked for minocycline he said, sure we can do that, anything else you want. Plus I love the nursing staff. They have been there forever. The office is really ancient. let me know and I will send them your way…joann

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