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    While watching a YouTube presentation I came across this doctor. I am posting what he has to say about the above. Has anybody tried his approach or heard of him?


    I am not advocating taking the supplement he’s selling but I was wondering what others on this board thought of his advice. Taken high does of elemental mineral, essential amino acids and omega’s? I would really appreciate some feedback.

    Thank you, Jan


    I would suggest you read more about him on the internet —


    Hi Suni-One,

    I greatly enjoy Dr. Wallach’s “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”.
    Appendix B contains a short (slightly over a page) information that may be of interest to you:

    p.273: “… More than 400 diseases and the veterinary/alternative medicine approach to them are listed in alphabetical order. .. Note: These suggestions are in addition to consuming adequate amounts of the other 90 essential nutrients daily.”

    p.283ARTHRITIS (rheumatism) is a devastating degenerative disease of the joints. Symptoms of joint noise, joint pain, swelling, and deformative changes are typical. The cause of arthritis is listed as unknown by “orthodox ” medicine and treatment is of the “take two aspirins and learn to live with it”. Prednisone, a synthetic form of cortisone, is used to treat the symptoms. In fact, oseoarthritis and degenerative arthritis are a complex of nutritional deficiencies. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic infection with a Mycoplasma spp. is the overt cause.

    Then follow recommendations of keeping a dietary ratio of calcium/phosphorus 2:1 (“ideal yet impossible to attain in an unsupplemented diet”).
    “Treatment of arthritis should include calcium at 2000 mg/day and more if you eat meat two or three times per day. Also take magnesium at 800-1000 mg/day, and cartilage (collagen, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate) at 1000 mg t.i.d. For rheumatoid arthritis, add tetracycline or minocycline at the low dose acne therapy level daily for one year, or oral food grade H2O2 to deal with the Mycoplasma infection. IV chelation with EDTA and H2O2 is very helpful! Take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, B6 100 mg b.i.d., B3 450 mg b.i.d. as time-release capsules. Take Vitamin E at 1000 IU/day. Copper at 2 mg/day (may be absorbed from a copper bracelet), selenium 300 mcg/day, zinc 50 mg t.i.d. Plant derived colloidal minerals are 98 percent absorbable and give excellent results!
    Rotation elimination diets can help when food allergies aggravate or precipitate symptoms. Dr. Wallach’s Pig Arthritis Formula is an easy recipe that can be prepared at home that will economically provide all of the necessary raw material to rebuild cartilage, joint capsules, and bone. Autoimmune urine therapy is very useful for all types of arthritis, especially those aggravated by food allergies. DMSO or pain gels are useful in reducing inflammation and pain when applied topically. Herbs including licorice (Glycyrrhiza glarba), poison ivy (Rhus toxicodendron), and alfalfa (powder or sprouts) are useful adjuncts to arthritis treatment programs.”

    As he does not focus specifically on arthritis or RA in his 400 disease descriptions, I think the above is pretty accurate for such a short entry ! 😎
    One can find better and more thorough selection of herbs, more precise approach to dealing with inflammation, detoxification, infection, cytokine cascade, more detailed healing protocols both AP and others, but still, for 1 page of info, it’s quite impressive!!!

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