Home Forums General Discussion Dr. F’s Diet – questions re bio film

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    Firstly,I was wondering if anyone has been following Dr. F’s recommendation for a low fat diet to help break down bio-film?
    I would like to find out any information about this diet including his recommendation for daily fat intake as well as whether or not he restricts certain supplements such as omega fish oils. I thought I might give it try for a few months even though fat is my savior right now since I limit my carbs so drastically! I also think there is a fasting component to his diet?
    Secondly, besides the abx regimen, what other supplements might be helpful in breaking through this lipid layer? Would NAC and systemic enzymes play a role here?

    Thanks for any info,


    Dr. Klinghardt has a slurry cocktail made up of a certain kind of vitamin C that”s in a packet called Lypo-spheric Vitamin C from the Green Pharmacy in Wilmington, NC (cheapest source), garlic, artemisian, & a few other items. You mix it in a blender with grapefruit juice and drink 2x a day. I have this recipie if I can organized enough & if you want it. It’s supposed to break tghrough those barriers!



    Thank you very much. I have decided that the low fat diet is not the way to go. I also have decided not to add too much to the mix right now as I am still herxing pretty bad on the days I take the abx. I did order some serrapeptase – but I haven’t started it yet. I will know the right time…it is not now.

    Thanks so much for the info. 😀



    I’m with you on the fat. I’ve given up starch so I need the fat – what do we do?? 🙄 After following the starch-free diet I do believe things are getting better. Maybe try that Kinghardt slurry?



    I agree on not giving up fat–just seems counterintuitive to me from a health standpoint, though I do see the reasoning behind it and maybe it would be beneficial on a short term basis. Sandy I would love it if you would post that slurry recipe!

    Systemic Scleroderma since 2010. Lyme and Myco P. AP and many other antibiotics and treatments since Nov. 2011. Presently mostly in remission other than fatigue.
    Teva Minocycline 100mg a day. Dessicated tyroid, LDN 4.5, LDI, hawthorne, curcurmin, berberine,, caprylex, reishi mushroom, liver protect, zinc,, fish oils, magnesium, vit K2, d3, bcomp, E, C


    Hi Kali,

    Although I haven’t had time to research it, I read that allicin (found in garlic) helps antibiotics penetrate biofilms. Not all garlic supplements are high in allicin, though.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Thanks to all of you. This is all great information. I do feel like the mino and zith must be getting through since I always herx a few hours after taking these. Once this herxing dies down some I will probably add some natural anti-microbials in as well as the serrapeptase. What I won’t be doing is the low fat thing. In Dr. F’s interview – that maz sent me – he also mentions fasting which I do practice on a regular basis for short stints. I have noticed that fasting alone will cause herxing. I guess those lil critters don’t like to be starved! I know they don’t like oxygen either – so the more deep breathing and exercise – the better!

    Thanks again gang!

    Edit: Doctor’s full name removed as per RBF Guidelines


    Ruffian, awesome links!

    Kali, I’m relieved you have decided NOT to go on fat free diet in combination with SCD. It is a scary combo.

    Another link on biofilm busters:
    Listed within:
    –Terminalia Chebula/Haritaki (if slower approach is desired Triphala, a combination of 3 Ayurvedic gooseberries, one of which is Haritaki or terminalia chebula, will work, too, and will have a healing impact on digestion, assimilation, elimination also helping with detox and lowering bacterial load)
    –Zedoaria, Spargani, Curcuma

    Serapeptase is used for the same purpose by many LLMDs, check within http://BetterHealthGuy.com/joomla
    GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) also works on biofilms.

    I personally was on GSE, Triphala and Metronidazole /tinidazole for biofilms. I’ve been taking Curcumin orTurmeric and garlic capsules for 2 years now. I hated GSE and Meronidazole. I liked Triphala and Tinidazole.

    A Friend

    @PhilC wrote:

    Hi Kali,

    Although I haven’t had time to research it, I read that allicin (found in garlic) helps antibiotics penetrate biofilms. Not all garlic supplements are high in allicin, though.


    Phil, All,

    While “re-visiting” booklets from Kirkman Labs (which have lots of products chronic illness patients use, including products for children with some of the autism spectrum disorders), I saw a product I hadn’t noticed before: Biofilm Defense. It’s on page 70 of their 2009 catalog, with much good technical information on each product. This one begins with: “Fighting infections is a problem that has become more and more serious with which to deal.” (plus very interesting info that follows). It comes as 60 capsules, Item No.881/60. Thought those dealing with known biofilm issues, who might not have heard about this company’s products, might want to do a search and read about this. A further quote with this product: “Biofilm Defense (TM) contains a combination of unique enzymes that have the ability to dissolve the sugar and fibrin components of most pathogenic biofilms…..”

    Best to all, AF

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