Home Forums General Discussion Does Joint Swelling come and go with herxing?

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    Well, I have just reached the 3 month milestone with AP. I have experienced herxing on and off, but I am having rounds of good days in between the not so good ones now. From my last post I understand that this is part of the process and am glad to hear that I am on the right track. I do have another question with herxing and what symptoms it comes with.
    I have just increased my M,F dose to 150mg. in the last 3 wks. And have noticed in the last week that my hands and elbows have become quite sore and stiff.
    This morning I woke up and noticed that my index finger now has a bump on the side of the top joint and it is tender to press on. While I have had swelling in my knuckles on each hand, as well as stiff fingers on and off, my finger joints have never been an issue before. I don’t like the look of it and its sudden appearance is not sitting well with me at the moment and is giving me a bit of a scare.
    Could this be part of herxing as well?


    Hi Kelee,

    I use to always get new areas of swelling also. It can be worrying in the beginning, but as I continued on with AP, I would recognize a pattern – every change in meds would bring on new inflammation. I imagine the “bugs” were being sought out in areas
    I didn’t even know that they existed. Usually the swelling would last maybe a week or two (for me at least). Now, I will just get minimal swelling, with some pain, which can last several minutes at a time or a day or so. So you see, even these “herxes” can become quite a bit milder and short-lived.

    Hope this helps! Getting much rain at your end of Ontario? Ottawa has been fairly soggy – and HOT.


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