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    Should I be alarmed or concerned if I get discoloration of my tongue and fingers while using minocycline for my arthritis treatment? I’m feeling great and dont want to take that other poison.


    Havent heard too much of finger or tongue discoloration –



    What does “discoloration” mean? Please describe it.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein



    Yes when I first started on Minocin 100mg daily I did have discoloration in the gums, face ,nails and it was so obvious
    that Dr T changed to doxycycline but I did not have good blood results so he put me back on Minocin 100mg alternate days that is 3 days a week. The discoloration came down and I take vitamin c for this problem and it helps.
    Hope this helps.


    I’m lucky, so far I only have one tiny bluish-grey spot under my left eye. I also seem to have acquired some more brown spots, but they aren’t really a problem since they look like freckles or small moles.

    If the skin discoloration ever becomes unsightly, I will probably reduce my dose of mino to 100 mg every other day and take 100 to 200 mg of doxy on the non-mino days. Later, after the skin discoloration goes away, I would try to increase my mino dose to 200 mg.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Could there be a connection between the amount of bluing and the different brands of minocycline?

    I took Ranbaxy 200 mg daily for about 3 years and started getting browning and bluing on my ankles but never on my face. I reduced my dose of Ranbaxy and the bluing and brown spots started going away. My pharmacy stopped getting Ranbaxy so I switched to Watson 50 mg twice a day MWF. I started getting some blue spots on my upper lip after being on tbe Watson about 6 weeks.

    I am now alternatng doses of doxcycline and minocycline. I notice I get more relief in my upper body such as sinuses and breathing on the doxycycline but it doesnt help my hip and toe pain. When I take the minocyclne, it helps my hip and toe pain more.

    I don’t think this is my imagination. Maybe Ranbaxy doesn’t cause the bluing on the face but Watson does?

    A Friend

    @dlovecollier wrote:

    Should I be alarmed or concerned if I get discoloration of my tongue and fingers while using minocycline for my arthritis treatment? I’m feeling great and dont want to take that other poison.


    So glad you are feeling so well while using minocycline. How you feel seems to me to be a good sign things are going well. Sometimes meds and/or supplements can apparently have these type effects when we begin them.

    Your post about this reminds me of the first year of my own chronic illness, when I was trying so hard to get well. I read about the research on CoQ10 and its benefits for a lot more than the heart. I purchased a bottle (just the 30 mg capsules) and took the first one that night. The next morning I waked up, drank my first cup of coffee, and it tasted strange. I went to brush my teeth, and was shocked to see my tongue was brown. This put me in a temporary spin trying to find out what was going on to have caused this.

    I remembered that a friend had brought me a copy of a Prevention medical reference Book, and began looking up words about the tongue… and saw “black tongue” or something like that (mine was brown). It said this was brought on by bacterial die-off. Then I remembered the CoQ10 research mentioning it had this type capability for killing microorganisms, and was even used in cancer treatment. So, I felt that die-off was the correct answer.

    Looking back, it is amazing what that little 30 mg capsule could do! My illness began with what had been diagnosed as TMJ, but turned out more accurately to have been an infection in a jaw tooth that a year before had a filling replaced — and later I had begun having pain in my jaw near the site and was diagnosed as TMJ ($1.000 appliance & all). When my body could no longer contain the infection, I became ill. This condition also, apparently, triggered my chronic illness, and repeated antibiotics about every 4 months (without knowing about probiotics) turned me into a lifeless vegetable after two years. That’s when I got busy and started learning about the type things we discuss here on RBF BB.

    Don’t know what your minocycline found, but my best guess would be it was doing good work… especially since you are feeling so well. Don’t forget to take your probiotics and eat a healthy diet. That Vitamin C should be very, very healthful as well. Am remembering you as taking that, but it could have been in another’s post.


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