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    I would like to throw this out there and see if anyone has ever used this product for detoxification and/or getting your digestive system back in order. The product claims are pretty big and the book was quite interesting. It does approach many difficult diseases from an auto-immune approach but their effort is directed at getting the gut to work properly so that the body can begin to heal itself by processing minerals,enzymes and nutrients properly. Curious if anyone has eve tried it or knows of those who have. Thanks.


    Bonnie I posted some of my thoughts on this product, under your original thread post of never wanting to be special.



    Bonnie & all – sometimes when big claims are made, to me it tends to raise up red flags I never got a call back from this company’s reps. It seemed to be a very small operation is the impression I got whether correct or not when I called in. I got the feeling based on no call back they are not overly concerned with giving out info.

    Aloe has it’s place in helping the gut heal just like it does for skin in leaky gut issues, which is a important part of the equation so for me the question is this company is charging alot of bucks for their product, also a red flag. We have no way to know or test if their aloe is superior as they claim or not.
    I came across this tonite as I was searching for a more reputable product that has Aloe in it in combo with other known helps for leaky gut –
    Am sharing the links it appears some folks are not impressed with Digestiqure or it’s results. It’s alot of mula in my opinion.
    Some of these complaints could be the same person hard to say but none the less –




    The product I have used in the past & it helped my stomach was recommended by a ND – it’s Designs for Health GI Revive. It’s in a powder you mix with water – this is easier absorbed than a capsule.
    This is what I am reordering.
    Best – Jill SD Lyme CPn Babesia & Candida who def. has leaky gut involved with the Candida.


    I also use GI Revive (capsules) and OptiCleanse for gut healing. They were both recommended by my ND.


    MaryBeth – I found I ran into a problem when I continued the GI Revive to my surprise recently & looked into this further as to why – you may want to look at this, I posted the what i found on there on this subject – Food Triggers 2 surprises here & Testerone levels in women

    I have removed using this I think it’s meant to be used short term even though I was not told that.

    Best – Jill SD, Lyme CPn babesia Candida


    Wish to use this post to talk about the role of arginine as I read in your signature that is in your the supplements 😉




    is this the product that will be successful?



    @flower wrote:

    Wish to use this post to talk about the role of arginine as I read in your signature that is in your the supplements 😉



    I greatly like Kim’s response in the second link “Mycoplasma and L-Arginine – Wondering About Coconut Oil”:
    And isn’t this typical………we ask the “experts”, do our own research, and in the end still say, “huh?”

    Stephen Harrod Buhner (“Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections. Complimentary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma”, p.119) addresses nutrient replacement very convincingly:

    A number of websites that discuss the treatment of mycoplasmas insist that such things as arginine and fatty acids should not be taken in the diet as these “feed the bacteria”. Again, this will only result in a worsening of the illness — the mycoplasmas need these substances and they are going to get them from your body one way or another; they are very good at doing so. If you do not replace what they take, as the host cells are depleted of these nutrients, a plethora of symptoms will occur, most of them extremely annoying.



    Sounds great willing to try, you never know!!!


    I have been taking MPS Gold 100 http://www.healthbreakthroughs.net/mps-gold-100.php which is similar to digesticure for about two months now. The recommended dosage is something like 4-8 capsules a day. I can only tolerate one at night as it seems to have a potent herx effect. I’m not sure how much it is helping, but the testimony of the founder of the company is quite interesting and I will continue to take it till I have finished what I bought at least. I chose this brand as I think it is the purest form and most often used and recommended by practitioners. There are some frustrating websites discrediting or trying to lead the public towards one or another different brands of these similar types of aloe products, and after doing some research, my understanding is that all of these sites have been put up by competing companies trying to bring business to their particular brand. Here is the story of the founder of MPS Gold 100 if interested: http://www.healthbreakthroughs.net/glyconutrients-that-saved-a-doctors-life.php

    best to all,


    Hi Laura-
    Thanks for posting this. I’m very curious about the MPSGold….sounds similar to the Digestiqure but it still costs quite a bit of money. So, you’ve been on it for 2 months, but are unsure if it’s helping? For me, I was watching my stools, and digestion in order to determine if the product was doing a good job with my gut health. So, far Digestiqure has measured up in that sense….has it proven itself for you in these areas at least?


    Hi Bonnie,

    Honestly, I do believe it helps – it’s just that I am doing so many different treatments and supplements, that it becomes difficult to know what is helping the most. Nevertheless, I hope to be able to increase my dosage over time and the science behind it makes sense to me, so ideally as I continue to improve, I will be able to take more and have it help more.

    It is expensive – I’ve spent a good deal of savings since becoming sick trying different products – I think if something works, it is worth it within reason. The problem is there are so many options and so many products to try!!!

    My digestion is improving – but it is slow. Until I get the candida even further down, I have to stay on a very strict diet and continue with lots of fermented foods/live enzymes and probiotics to help my digestion. I made the MPS gold powder into pills as I did not like the taste. One pill I do okay with, two has not yet been tolerable along with my other supplements and regimen. I’ll try to update as I am able to increase. I believe it is antibacterial/antiviral as well as immune modulating so this contributes to my low dose tolerance level.

    If digesticure seems to be helping – I say stick with it!



    I like Stockton Aloe it’s the real deal & is good stuff without the hype or the price IMHO.
    Comes to you frozen, do a on-line search.

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