Home Forums General Discussion Cracked skin – Scleroderma

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    Hi All,

    Has anyone with sclero experienced cracked skin around the ankles? Feels like a cut that’s just been sprayed with stinging antisceptic. Trying to find a cream or whatever remedy to soothe the skin and help it to heal. Been soaking in water with epson salt at night and that helps temporarily.

    Any help is appreciated.



    You can try Manuka Honey. It needs to have active factor to be good. I know Dr. F had a patient that had gone from doctor to doctor for her skin ulcers and Manuka honey did the trick.


    I think the honey is a good thing but, if you can’t get that right away, there’s a product called “Aquaphor” that’s sold in drugstores, etc. I used it after getting IPL laser done on my face to reverse sun damage about 5 years ago, which left my skin raw, red and sunburned-looking. It helped A LOT (has the consistency of vaseline), and is recommended by doctors for severely cracked, dry skin, as well as burned skin.



    Also wonder if perhaps extra virgin coconut oil would help? It has some nice ant-bacteria/fungal/viral props, too. 🙂 It’s a bit greasy, though.

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