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    For 3 weeks I was off abx, kinda a felt good. Pain was down 50%, of course this could he temp remission minus the urogenital issue still persist. In short I started taking doxy this Monday and notice I’m in pain again, coincidence?

    Lynne G.SD

    I don’t know about you but I had worsening of symptoms for at least 8 months when I started AP.Found out that I was herxing so just sucked it up even though I thought I was going to die.In my 18 years of AP I figure I must have spent at least 2 years in herx mode.It happened every time I would increase,add or change an antibiotic.
    Could this be your problem.Have you gone on a starch free diet,it might help?????


    I have been on MINO 8 weeks and have never felt so unhealthy. I constantly say I feel like I’m dying. I never knew the AP protocol would be so hard. If I let up on the antibiotics I feel better so I know it’s the antibiotics.

    Diffused Scleroderma/SLE Overlap
    Minocycline June 2016 2 x 100 daily
    Culturelle Probiotic 2 x daily
    Tumeric 400 mg 3 x daily


    Snglbear24 and Worldofme, I had the same problem. I started out at 100mg Minocycline 2x a day, and I felt like crap. So tired, so sick. I looked at the various protocols on the FAQ, and decided to cut way back. I cut back to 100mg 1x, Monday Wednesday Friday only, and stuck with that for a few months. Then, when I was feeling MUCH better, but feeling like I had hit a plateau, I slowly increased my dose to 100mg 2x daily. You might consider this, I suspect you will feel much better. It’s basically a combination of the historic protocol (Dr. Brown) and the Harvard Protocol.

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