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    Once again I need some reassurance! I posted a few weeks back about my one year success and how far I have come. This past weekend however my fingers started getting stiff and sore on my right hand and my knuckles are sore and swelling again and my wrist is now feeling stiff. At this point there is no pain and I can still use my hand normally and strength is good. I have not had any flares since January, so this concerns me. I have not changed my diet in any way or had a new minocin Rx. I have my 6 month appointment next week with my rheumatologist and I wanted to be able to show her my success with the minocin as I am her only patient on it! She doesn’t have much faith in it and I so wanted to prove to her that she is wrong! Could this be a herx at this point even though I have done so well? The weather here in Ontario has been rainy, damp, warm one day, cool the next. I know in Dr. Brown’s book he mentioned that the rise and fall of the barometric pressure and that Spring and Fall can effect RA. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated


    Don’t panic and hopefully this will pass when the weather the changes. At least you have an appointment soon if it doesn’t.

    Your rheum will see what she wants to see, no matter how you are doing.

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    Hi I am guessing but if I recollect my doctor told me awhile back -if its not in both hands etc –its not systemic but a local condition –are you a righty maybe you just overused or abused your right hand !!!


    Yes! I am right handed. All along since the RA started, it has always been worse in my right hand, but my left elbow is affected and not my right. It is strange!


    Hi Kelee,

    I know that you are on the Apo brand Minocycline like me. I have had really good results with it for about 1 1/2 years now. However, after my last refill (end of February) I have been going down hill. Not severely (please don’t panic!!) but a definite decline.

    I have now switched to the TEVA brand and I am happy to say I have picked up already (even after only a couple of weeks!)

    My GP said that APO can be unreliable at times. Perhaps there was something wrong with this batch. After I began to pick up again, I took the rest of my APO prescription back to the pharmacy and hoped that a complaint would follow through to APO. No such luck, but, the pharmacy is replacing the left over amount of pills (that I had already paid ) for the TEVA. Very nice of them.

    Any ways, this may or may not be your problem. When was your last refill?



    @DianaW13 wrote:

    My GP said that APO can be unreliable at times.

    What your GP said is supported by past experience.



    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Hi Phil,

    Yes, you are right. It is a topic I am very familiar with. However, I have been on the Apo for the past 1 1/2 years and it has been fine. I guess any of the generics can have blips (though the Apo does appear to have more blips than others). I will stay on the TEVA from now on though.


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