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    Glad to hear you may have a way to get some Diflucan and that the grapefruit seed is working.  My 6 year old was having serious sinus problems, (at 6!!!!)  and the traditional dr wouldn't give him diflucan (“cause people always blame candida, but it isn't the problem”~ yeah, right!).  I knew candida was his problem and finally found a holistic MD and he gave Derek the Rx, and said even though he was young it was obviously candida.  Derek had a huge GI die-off (lots of time in the biffy) for 2 days (four days into Rx) and has been great since.  So I know it works wonders. 

    Also, for him and for me (also with a history of diagnosed candida) we found a product called Allimed.  It is super expensive, just to warn you, but the studies on it are impressive.  It is concentrated allicin, which is the extract from garlic which makes it so pungent.  It is what has the anti-fungal/anti-bacterial properties.  You can order it at http://WWW.DRGINA.COM  (she is a naturopath in CA, who will ship supplements.  Her prices are the best I have found, and there is good customer service from her office staff)  there are other sites too.  You can read about it at http://WWW.SINUSSURVIVAL.COM  this is a webiste by  DR. Robert Ivker.  He has written the book “Sinus Survival” and the e-book “Love you nose, naturally”.  The sinus survival book was my “manual” when I had chronic sinus issues.  I also had phone consults with him to help treat my son.  On his website under “catalog” there are products that he sells and the Allimed is one of them.  Also if you google it there is lots of info out there.  There is also a liquid form called Allimax.

    Maybe the Allimed could be another supplement to boost the Grapefruit seed extract?  It is cost prohibitive, we haven't continued on it cause of the cost but if plagued with candida again, I would give it another shot.  I just wanted to give you the info.

    all my best to you and your hubby,


    DX Rheumatoid Arthritis- 3/2008, Began AP 8/2008-continued various forms of AP through present. It's long and complicated- have a question re: my protocol, just ask 🙂

    A Friend


    Sounds like good news to me about the results Mr. P is getting from MSM and GSE!  Thanks for posting and letting us know. 



    For chronic sinus troubles, snoring, sleep apnea, asthma, nasal congestion, etc. an interesting idea is Buteyko's. He believed that overbreathing was the root cause of many of these problems resulting in a lack of CO2 in our bodies.
    Without enough CO2, we can't use our O2, and the body tries to self correct.

    If you Google Buteyko you'll pull up a bunch of web sites on it, lists of practitioners, and some good intro seminars on YouTube.

    Eva Holloway

    Jo and every one else,

    I started the V-8 juice and five drops, up to six now. Doing okay. I told my husband about it and he always has a sinus probplem he decided to use it too. He told me this morning that since he is using the GSE he sleeps better and I can tell he snores less. Good for him to sleep better and good for me that he snores less, LOL:):roll-laugh:

    I am working up to 15 drops but slowly, like adding a drop extra a week.

    Take care everyone,


    Eva Holloway

    A Friend

    [user=236]Eva Holloway[/user] wrote:

    I started the V-8 juice and five drops, up to six now. Doing okay. I told my husband about it and he always has a sinus probplem he decided to use it too. He told me this morning that since he is using the GSE he sleeps better and I can tell he snores less. Good for him to sleep better and good for me that he snores less, LOL:):roll-laugh:

    I am working up to 15 drops but slowly, like adding a drop extra a week.

    Eva, it's good to read your post, and to hear of the early good results with your husband's sleeping.  (And good to read you are proceeding slowly.  We can flood our bodies with too much die-off and free radicals.  I've recently become convinced we need to include a form of non-digestible fiber like psyllium husks to absorb the resulting die-off/acidic wastes — but I'd take the psyllium, etc., away from taking the GSE so as not to eliminate it) to capture the waste and usher it out of the body, instead of being re-absorbed back into the body before being eliminated.  If the wastes are just loose, not bound, they can actually be siphoned back into the body's system from the bowel (our elimination is designed this way) and keep re-circulating wastes through the body, and can over-tax our liver's detoxification. 

    The GSE was one of the most dramatic helps for me when I first began “playing doctor”  by reading Dr. William Crook's book when I had become a lifeless vegetable.  (This was at the end of 2 years of illness and only getting worse.)

    Out of curiousity, I just now went to General Discussion, found the link to our archived documents on the old RBF BB, entered search words “Grapefruit Seed Extract and AF”… wanting to re-visit what I'd written about this a long time ago (it gives the month and day but year is not listed).  Anyway, I noticed you are using V-8, and wanted to share with you that I found the V-8 Mild Picante version of V-8 did a great job of camoflouging the bitter taste of the GSE.  It was available in a glass quart bottle which I preferred at that time.  

    The old post, which contains a bit of history on my beginning the use of it:

    Posted by A Friend on Wed – Feb 28 – 10:05am:

    In Reply to: Re: anything can be a herx, or not! posted by ellen on Tue – Feb 27 – 5:56pm:


    The onset of my illness came on the heels of an infection in my jaw that spread to my head/sinuses.

    One of the things that helped the sinus clear best was using the NOW brand Grapefruit Seed extract (in a little dropper bottle). I began with only 5 drops (as recommended by pediatric allergist/yeast guru Dr. William Crook). I put these drops in a 4-oz glass of Mild Picante V-8 Juice, which camoflouges the bitterness of the grapefruit seed extract.

    I used the above twice a day; and, noticed that there began a constant clearing of something from my sinuses/head traveling down my throat. You know what we mortals thinks: “If a little does a little good, then more will do more good.”
    I began increasing the number of drops too quickly, and actually began having herxes each night from the die-off the grapefruit seed extract brought about.
    There may be some increase in the effect of your medications if you incorporate the use of the grapefruit seed extract. Ask your pharmacist (a good compounding one would be best to ask).

    If you do try the GSE, I strongly recommend you start slowly and remain on a lower dose. My range started at 5 drops and Dr. Crook said we can gradually increase up to 15…but slowly!!! [end of post]


    Eva Holloway

    A Friend,

    My grandson (24) wanted to know what to use for his sinus problem, so I told him that I and his grandfather are taking GSE, so he tries first the V-8 juice and said it tastes like Chef-Boy-Rdee and I gave him a small of V-8 can with five drops in it and now he says he likes it and he can sleep better. Another one going the healthier way then drugs.

    I am up to 7 drops now  (increasing by the week) and I am doing better with my sinus. Hope it stays that way. we have so much pollen in the air here in Houston and all of us have allergies. (My grandson lives with us). The weather is crazy: one day warm the next day cold and windy and just a little rain, not enough to get the pollen out of the air.

    My husband takes his in orange juice, so what ever tastes the best goes.


    Eva Holloway

    A Friend


    I'm very glad the GSE drops are helping.  They certainly kicked in quickly many years ago when I read about this product in “Chronic Fatigue & The Yeast Connection” book by Dr. Wm Crook (another of my earth angels). 

    You may have missed where I wrote that I didn't use the regular V-8 juice, but used the “Mild Picante V-8” and it really camoflouged the bitterness of the GSE.  V-8 also has another one that is even more picante (hot), but that one was much too hot for me.  Like Goldilocks, I found the V-8 Mild Picante was “just right.” 

    Get well soon, all of you! 



    I also use the GSE, but had a hard time with the bitterness.  What I do is put the drops in an empty gel cap and drink lots of water

    don't taste a thing.


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