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    I started the minocycline a week ago and wondering how long it typically takes to see any difference in symptoms? What should I expect?

    My doctor started me on Adrenal Gland supplements a month ago which helped symptoms. When I started minocycline I noticed I was sleeping less and less, but my joint pain was reduced. Just a few days into the AP I ha a chemical crash believe my Coritisol/DHEA levels got too high. I have since stopped the DHEA and black liquorish root extract and am sleeping normal again. I am having more symptoms without the supplements.

    I wish I knew how to let the worry go and just be again.


    It’s hard to say. Some people notice improvements fairly quickly, and for others it can take months.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Since starting I am having issues with bright office lights. The lights at work seems to bother me more than the sun. Is this normal?

    Also, my doctor is only prescribing for one month. When I questioned not longer he said it was because of my “titters” score. How is length of dosage usually determined?


    @Bugs3472 wrote:

    Since starting I am having issues with bright office lights. The lights at work seems to bother me more than the sun. Is this normal?

    I am not sure what that means, but someone else mentioned something similar here:

    @Bugs3472 wrote:

    Also, my doctor is only prescribing for one month. When I questioned not longer he said it was because of my “titters” score. How is length of dosage usually determined?

    It sounds like you might need to find a new doctor. One month of minocycline is unlikely to be enough. Is he planning on switching you to another antibiotic?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein

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