Home Forums General Discussion Can’t find Minocin, please advise

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    Twenty years ago, I came down with Rheumatid Arthritis. Being very health conscious, I refused to take the heavy drugs the Rheumatologist offered. I went to my library and pulled every book I could find to teach myself more. I found Dr Thomas McPhearsons book, “the Road Back”. For the following two years I followed his teachings. I had no problem getting a Doctor to give me a script for Minocin by that time, my hands had become seriously deformed and I could hardly walk! I started taking 150 MG of minocin M,W and Fri. I followed thru with my diet changing almost 100 percent macrobiotic ally. It just so happened that there was a woman in my area who made her living by cooking macrobiotically. Then to cap my treatment off, I flew to “Lourdes, France” to
    Pray for a miracle. After two years, I stopped all treatment and much to my amazement, after two years, I was in remission!!!!! I joined the road back organization long before they had a website. We connected by mail, and telephone. Now after my recent experience with breast cancer, I listened to the experts re the Western Protocol…and allowed myself to go thru four Chemo treatments and 28 Radiations. Guess what!!!!My. Rheumatoid came “roaring” back. After my latest screening, my Physician informed me I am in remission re Cancer. I naturally reached out to my cook, , my Macrobiotic Lady and after also purchased Minocin from Canada, I . You see, I
    Learned long ago, that we are mind, body and soul. I’m 85 years old now.
    I started to visit Shrines in my area here in New Jersey. I’m doing well since taking the Minocin 100 MG on MW and Fridays. That said, I now find that the large Drug companies have made it impossible to purchase Minocin. They are “forcing us to use their drugs that do not work!!!!! I will not relent. I need to locate the drug. Can anyone help me find it?????


    Hi Mary,

    Glad you made it onto the forum! Have replied to your email.


    Hello, it’s been ages since I have posted. It is wonderful to see some familiar posters ๐Ÿ™‚

    After seeing Dr. S in IA years ago, and taking Minocin intermittently with Clindy IV’s I found myself in decent control of most RA symptoms for quite some time. In fact, I was so well controlled I had been off Minocin due to other issues. That has resulted in horrible RA flares involving my mucosal lining along with my joints and my rheumatologist wishing for me start taking it again. However, our new insurer (United Health Care) decided they wouldn’t cover it. After a long and drawn out fight with them, I finally got an over-ride on a rejected appeal for Minocin (CEO of my husband’s co had to go after them…it’s sad). Anyways… of course the day the Rx was written, the pharmacist said her wholesaler could get six bottles of Minocin but wouldn’t order them as insurance was rejecting it. By the time the approval finally came it is nowhere to be found. IF anyone has a lead to where it can be purchased please contact me. Peace and blessings, Amy

    DX Rheumatoid Arthritis- 3/2008, Began AP 8/2008-continued various forms of AP through present. It's long and complicated- have a question re: my protocol, just ask ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Amy,

    Sorry to hear about your relapse after such a great result! Such a shame.

    Richie had some good advice recently. He gets his smaller, privately owned pharmacy to special order it…something that larger chain pharmacies won’t do. I had read, however, that the new owner of Minocin, Valeant, had struck a deal with Walgreens to be their preferred retail outlet. You could try either route to see if one of these works.


    Everyone who uses the original pelleted brand is having the same issue, added to the fact that Minocin’s price for a month’s supply of 60 caps is now an outrageous $3000 plus!!! not dissimilar to the recent price hiking of epi-pens by over 5 times the previous cost. Epinephrine costs less than $1 to manufacture and an epi pen pack is now $500 plus for this life-saving drug!!!


    Maz, Thank you so much for the response. I looked at the link…quite a deal there with Walgreens and Valeant. I spoke with two different pharmacists at Walgreens locally, neither was able to procure the Minocin at this time. I will keep checking.

    I have another question, I see numerous people have had good luck with Torrent (formerly Ranbaxy) do you know if the tablets are as effective as the capsules. My pharmacist said that they can get 100 mg tabs, but not capsules.


    DX Rheumatoid Arthritis- 3/2008, Began AP 8/2008-continued various forms of AP through present. It's long and complicated- have a question re: my protocol, just ask ๐Ÿ™‚


    Amy, I’m sorry but I don’t personally know if tabs would be better or not than capsules, but presumably anyone who wants to avoid any of the dyes in capsules might do better with tabs. I was a bit miffed when I took my tetracycline caps out of my medicine bottle with slightly damp hands and the yellow and blue dyes took several hand washes to get the color off my fingers. Ugh. If the tabs have some type of enteric coating on them, it might help in terms of anyone with reflux issues.

    Perhaps you could start a new discussion thread to ask this question as there may be others who can tell you of their experience who might not think to look under this subject header?


    Just did some research –minocin is not in Valeant coupon access program and is not in the Walgreen deal —the minocycline brand from the Valeant dermatology group is solodyn —the best bet to obtain minocin brand is a small pharmacist where a relationship exists —Folks must understand the arithmetic in this equation –I will use myself –my rx is for 180 capsules a three month supply –the wholesale cost is about 7200–7500 dollars -my pharmacist makes a big 60 dollar profit including his dispensing fee –now he has laid out over 7000 dollars to make 60 dollars –my pharmacist does it for me really as an accomodation -because we give him plenty of business and deal with him exclusively for all our drug store needs —and thats the cost of doing business -take CVS walgreens Rite Aid or any other massive chain –there really is no personal touch and imo the clerk behind their counter couldnt care less !!!! I have preached here for years to deal with a small pharmacy and to build relations and to include that pharmacist on my care team —Unfortunately I am correct -as I see what is happening –A person who goes in cold to a small pharmacist will have no chance to get that pharmacist to lay out big money for scant return -if they have never dealt with that person previous –my best advice is to look to build a relationship with your local pharmacist FIRST –they all can get the med –no shortage -its all dollars and cents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hi Amy,

    I have another question, I see numerous people have had good luck with Torrent (formerly Ranbaxy) do you know if the tablets are as effective as the capsules. My pharmacist said that they can get 100 mg tabs, but not capsules.

    The tablets are good. I like them more than the capsules.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    I get Minocycline capsules from Humana Medicare at no charge. I had been doing well on Watson capsules, but they switch me to Torrent capsules in August and I had been losing ground with my shoulder and back in unacceptable pain. On Sept 9th I had a doctors appointment with my primary care internist and he gave me a written script for Minocycline tablets and I found some at Walmart. They are made by Par and I have been steadily improving since starting them on Sept 10th. They were $115 for 90 100mg tablets at Walmart with a Goodrx coupon which actually worked. So I did not get them through Humana, and I doubt they will do anything to help me. Humana just ships whatever they can get the cheapest. So hare again the tablets seem to metabolize more like Minocin. I have also successfully used tablet from Ranbaxy, Cipla and Ipca and now Par

    Psoriatic Arthritis: 100mg Minoz Minocycline TABLET daily; twice daily 400mg Pentoxifylline;125mcg Levotyroxine: Have been using some level of Minocycline since 2008


    Thanks for letting me know they worked for you, Phil. I will pick my Rx up tonight.

    DX Rheumatoid Arthritis- 3/2008, Began AP 8/2008-continued various forms of AP through present. It's long and complicated- have a question re: my protocol, just ask ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Vinny,

    I get Minocycline capsules from Humana Medicare at no charge. I had been doing well on Watson capsules, but they switch me to Torrent capsules in August and I had been losing ground with my shoulder and back in unacceptable pain.

    There’s another variable you may want to consider. I don’t use mail-order pharmacies, but if I did I would never have my prescription filled during hot weather due to the potential for temperature abuse when the medication is sent through the mail. For the same reason, I never order supplements (especially probiotics) during the summer.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein

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