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    Hi all, I have been diagnosed with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis since November of 2005.
    I had the RA under control for about eight years. I am having problems with slowing down this disease now and for the past two years or so.
    Can any of you tell me where you have sent your blood to, to find out how many and which strains of the mycoplasma’s are in your blood..

    Thank You for still being here


    Hi Pilgrimage,

    Are you on AP yet or currently considering it?

    There are a few labs listed under the Resources tab (Useful Contacts) above and mycoplasma panels are listed on these sites. Here is the Clongen lab myco panel page:


    Common strains are also listed in Appendix A of the Pulsed Protocol Doctor packet, here:


    Unfortunately, Dr. Brown’s mycoplasma specialty lab went out of operation a year or so ago as his lab manager retired, so newer labs are being used. Dr. Brown tested the more common strains of mycos, strep and the chlamydias. Today, Lyme and coinfections are also serious players in rheumatic diseases and IGeneX labs is still the preferred lab for this testing.

    If just starting AP and not considering IVs, however, it’s not critical to get mycoplasma testing, which is mostly used now to prove infection for insurance coverage of IV therapy. Oral minocycline is an approved “for off-label use” DMARD, so not essential to get testing in advance. Worth bearing in mind that most of the older RA drugs are also “for of label use.” E.g. Methotrexate was designed as a chemotherapeutic agent and plaquenil is an anti-malarial.



    Hi Maz, yes I have been on AP for about ten years, I have posted on the RBF website back in 2005-2006. I went by the name Pilgrim or Michael..

    Thank You so Much


    Are you using Minocycline tablets? My pain level became unacceptable when my insurance company switched me to capsules. I am now buying Tablets and paying out of pocket and doing much better.

    Psoriatic Arthritis: 100mg Minoz Minocycline TABLET daily; twice daily 400mg Pentoxifylline;125mcg Levotyroxine: Have been using some level of Minocycline since 2008


    Hello Vinny, back in 2006 I was taking 200 mg a day of “Global generic Minocycline” I did Very good on it. after 2-3 years I could no longer get the “Global” I tried Teva, Watson and a couple others. Settled on Watson and was on it until 2010 I think. I have been taking Danbur generic Minocycline for a while now, and have been having problems..
    I should also mention that I ended up not taking Mino for about 4 months while we were taking care of Our Daughter who had Cancer, I could not keep up with my schedule and her med schedule too. That was a mistake on my part, now that I have been taking my Minocycline again it seems to not have the same effect?.
    So I guess to answer your question, all I take is capsules.
    Thank You

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