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    I am having to take bactrim for 10 days for sinus infection and bronchitis. i was doing fine until today (day 6). I am having horrible herx. I’m torn between skipping a dose to see if it helps the pain and just trying to get through next 4 days . Anyone have any experience with this?

    Sandi S


    @SandiS wrote:

    I am having to take bactrim for 10 days for sinus infection and bronchitis. i was doing fine until today (day 6). I am having horrible herx. I’m torn between skipping a dose to see if it helps the pain and just trying to get through next 4 days . Anyone have any experience with this?

    Sandi S

    Hi Sandi,

    Treating acute infections is very different from treating chronic, slow-growing infections. Acute infections usually need to be hit hard and consistently to prevent drug resistance, unfortunately, which is why doctors always say to try not to skip doses and to take the full prescription even if symptoms resolve before the bottle is finished.

    I usually herx around day 5 on different abx protocols I’ve been on, too. This isn’t fun, but it means that the abx are doing their good work. As you’ve only got 4 days left to go, my humble fellow patient take would be to complete the course as prescribed, as the sinus and bronchitis infection will only add to the pathogen load down the road if not wiped out now. Also, in the same shoes, I’d be working heavily on detoxing at this time as well as for a week or so after the abx course is done.

    Really hope you feel better soon. As rotten as this feels, it’s almost cause for celebration because to herx on an abx that is not commonly used in AP is a sign that (a) this abx is clearly hitting something in the pathogen load and (b) a sign there is still work to be done and possibly a change in protocol needed (e.g. addition of a second abx?).

    Hope you feel better soon, Sandi! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks for the quick reply, Maz. I will tough these few days out. My doctor mentioned awhile back that we could add bactrim on days I don’t take minocin. He said he has several patients that do well on this(he is an allergist). I guess his instincts are right. I also take 500mg of Zith every other Sat. He said I would stop the Zith if I added bactrim. I get a small herx with the Zith but nothing like what I am experincing now (dose issue?). His general feeling is that it is strep from childhood that is part of my problem.

    Again, thanks for all you do.



    @SandiS wrote:

    I will tough these few days out. My doctor mentioned awhile back that we could add bactrim on days I don’t take minocin. He said he has several patients that do well on this(he is an allergist). I guess his instincts are right. I also take 500mg of Zith every other Sat. He said I would stop the Zith if I added bactrim. I get a small herx with the Zith but nothing like what I am experincing now (dose issue?). His general feeling is that it is strep from childhood that is part of my problem.

    Again, thanks for all you do.


    Sandi, your doc sounds fantastic! Do we have him on our AP Provider list I wonder โ“

    Sounds like you may have hit on something important by using the bactrim and this type of synchronicity often happens with others…in this light, the big herx is a good thing as there is no way to mistake it is doing something good! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Bactrim is pretty broad spectrum and will hit strep if you have it in your pathogen load…a good thing! You’re fortunate to be able to use this abx, as many folk have sulpha drug sensitivity.


    Don’t forget to up your probiotics while on this short course and to do what you can to detox the die-off. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Hi Sandi,

    You might find that taking naproxen sodium (Aleve) helps you get through the next four days. Ibuprofen is another possibility, but it may not work as well.


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