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    Fibromyalgia isn't always Lyme…   Even being celiac and consuming gluten on a regular basis can cause fibromyalgia symptoms.  There are many other things that cause fibromyalgia symptoms.  They are looking into the XRMV virus also.  Not to mention Strep, thyroid disease, etc.   Yes, Lyme can cause the same symptoms but so can many other things.


    Cindy wrote:

    I didn't know anything about FM but from what I been reading, I don't think I have it. Dr. F pushed on all the trigger points (including a new one he said he had discovered) and most of them were painful but then anywhere you “poke” me is painful. The only symptoms of FM that I can see I have is joint pain and fatigue. Can you get red, swollen joints with FM? Its almost a slap in the face to hear someone say its all in your head. I guess with the diagnosis of RA there was some vindication and I could say “See, there was something wrong!” It puts me in mind of the headstone in the cemetary that says “See, I told you I was sick!”

    I understand your frustration.  Dr. F. is my doctor, and I love him for giving me the IV Clindamycin, which has been a great benefit.  I have a past history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and yet every time I see him, he starts with the pressure points on me, and I tell him, I don't have fibromyalgia.  FM isn't CFS.  I wouldn't put too much credit in the diagnosis.  😕

    You know your symptoms, and honestly, when it makes no sense to an experienced AP rheumatologist, it's probably lyme.  The last time I saw him, told him I was being treated for babesia/lyme, and he was very supportive.  Zithromax is a good combo with minocin, and a good start on additional treatment.  The sooner you can get to an LLMD, the sooner  you will start feeling better.  Just get ready, as Maz said, for multiple antibiotics at once.



    Nancy, just another thought that came to mind…you might want to research erhlichiosis (HGE), the coinfection of Lyme, which can also cause decreases in WBCs. You've been treated with mino for a while now, but may still be worth checking out. So many strains of these beasts.

    Peace, Maz


    [user=1552]nspiker[/user] wrote

    You know your symptoms, and honestly, when it makes no sense to an experienced AP rheumatologist, it's probably lyme.

    Thank you for that – it helps make things clearer here. My husband's dr. is also Dr. F, who does not know what is causing an ongoing symptom that hasn't responded to any treatment Dr. F has had him on over the past few years (abx, cortisone, other meds etc).

    We need to find out what is causing it.

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