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    [user=212]Time_of_my_Life[/user] wrote:

    JB –  You make me laugh everytime you mention Iowa and its cornfields.  I see it left a good impression on you! haha.  There certainly are a lot of cornfields thats for sure!  Thank you for the link to your infusion experience. 


    I was on I-80 for hours, finally we made a turn to north, I was very excited, thinking, we were so close to ida grove!!!!

    oh well…. it took us over an hour driving on the country road, looking at those plowed corn fields…. all brown…. nothing but dirt…. no cows…. nothing…. for ONE HOUR???? it was very cloudy day…. grey with brown…. oh my…. how depressing that could be…

    Finally ….. da da da…..music pls, drum, pls….. we saw Ida Grove….. those cute little castles….

    Dr. S' smile definitely made the brown cornfield turned to PINK!




    Fran, in addition to drinking lots of water prior to the IV, you can also wrap your arm in warm moist towels to plump up your veins and improve circulation for easier access to the vein.

    JB, you are too funny.  We arrived in Ida Grove at 9 p.m. on a snowy Sunday night and the few, very few, restaurants were closed so we wound up eating dinner out of a gas station convenience store.  Oh, the memories!

    Take care…..kim


    I have similar memories but of driving 8 hours through California to get to my husband's Lyme doctor.  There's that quiet desperation as mile after mile passes and endless questions cycle through your head interspered with anxious prayer that this new treatment will bring the chance for recovery. 



    I had those exact feelings of desperation, both with going to Iowa and also my 450 mile trip to see my LLMD.  I'm definitely in the wrong state for these issues. 😕



    Since we're driving down memory lane…I remember driving with my husband January 4th, in a blizzard from Minneapolis to Ida Grove at 2:00 am.  The 6 hour drive was complete silence (mostly because we were scared of getting in an accident), in the dark, with cars and semi's in the ditches the entire way there.  I remember thinking it was meant to be if we actually made it there in one piece:)  Then, the sun came out as we were about an hour outside Ida Grove, and a complete sense of peace overcame me.  I'll never forget that trip, or the trip from Iowa back to Chicago, after getting my first IV's.  I was SO happy and felt so much hope when I left there.  The sun was so bright, and I took it as a sign of life. 

    Then there was the first trip out to California to see Dr. F.  My husband and I just held hands the entire plane ride there–not knowing what to think.  We arrived and sunny California calmed us down immediately.  Dr. F and Dr. L were so kind and filled with hope for me, that I couldn't help but know I was going to beat this beast!

    3 months later, we went for a follow up with Dr. F, then immediately flew the next morning (after flying back to Chicago first) to NYC to see my LLMD, and find out I had another beast to deal with.  But, was filled with hope about that, too.

    I never stopped to think about all that until now–maybe because it's been so difficult to want to remember those hard times…because things are SO good right now.  So good, that I was out DANCING in 5 inch heels last night (even had a few drinks:shock:), and stayed out with my friends until 2:30 a.m. NO PAIN, NO STIFFNESS, and I still feel great today!!  I'm not sure what exactly I was celebrating but, I think it was LIFE.  :roll-laugh::roll-laugh:  It was the first time in 2 years that I stayed out with my friends, and felt like everyone else in the room.  So, those stressful car rides and plane rides brought me here, and for that I'm grateful!

    Thanks for helping me take a trip down memory lane.


    Good times, Maria! :blush:  I'm just so impressed you can walk in 5″ heels. 😯



         I just finished my second round of in-home IV clindys. One thing I've learned is that if the infusion stops or slows quite a bit, straighten your arm and see if that gets the infusion going again. Also, if you feel stinging or see blood coming out of the IV sight (not in the tube, which is normal), that may mean your IV is not working, so call the home health nurse. The first time I had a couple of these kinds of issues, but the second time, it went smoothly although painfully because the only vein she could get was the back of my hand! My rambunctious kids found all sorts of ways to accidentally hit me on that site for five days! I took a major pain pill at night to help me go to sleep by the end of the week.
        Good luck!

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