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    Hi everyone:

    I don’t know if any of you have come across this, or perhaps you could recommend who best to ask (pharmacist vs. doctor).

    I am on Minocycline 100mg bid. I have 2 really bad gum pockets and my dentist is recommending that they use ARESTIN in them (Minocin). Can anyone tell me if this is safe as I am already taking 200mg daily? I know that it is minimal, but still…….could it be too much?



    @DianaW13 wrote:

    I don’t know if any of you have come across this, or perhaps you could recommend who best to ask (pharmacist vs. doctor).

    I am on Minocycline 100mg bid. I have 2 really bad gum pockets and my dentist is recommending that they use ARESTIN in them (Minocin). Can anyone tell me if this is safe as I am already taking 200mg daily? I know that it is minimal, but still…….could it be too much?

    Hi Di,

    Have you emailed Dr. S. on this re: usual oral dosing while having this dental procedure done? Just surmise on my part, but stopping oral dosing for a week or so probably won’t make much difference and, if the dose into the gum is quite small (though possibly long-acting), anyway, it might not make any difference to remain on the oral dose. I’d check with both Dr. S. and the treating dentist, though.

    If I had gingival pockets and needed Arestin (minocycline) I would do it, but that is just my take on this…a fellow patient. Oral bacteria are now pretty much accepted as being a trigger for RA and untreated pockets of infection in the gums are likely going to create ongoing problems in RAers. Flares after dental work and cleanings aren’t all that uncommon.

    An alternative would be to see a biological dentist to see what treatments they could offer to prevent further systemic dissemination of the infection when the scaling and root planing are being done on the infected pockets.

    Some time ago, I came upon an orthopedist’s website talking about knee joint replacements and the need to get all dental work done prior to any replacement surgery…also to get checked for any chronic urinary tract infections. This is necessary on an ongoing basis after replacement surgery as chronic infections in these replaced joints can occur at any time. This is pretty common practice, because these guys know of the systemic risks of dental infections spreading to infect joints…one of the biggest risks for anyone who has had joint replacement surgery.

    Isn’t it amazing that orthopedists are aware of how dental infections can affect joints and yet this is still so controversial in the field of rheumatology?


    Dental Evaluation
    Although the incidence of infection after knee replacement is very low, an infection can occur if bacteria enter your bloodstream. To reduce the risk of infection, major dental procedures (such as tooth extractions and periodontal work) should be completed before your total knee replacement surgery.

    Urinary Evaluations
    People with a history of recent or frequent urinary infections should have a urological evaluation before surgery. Older men with prostate disease should consider completing required treatment before undertaking knee replacement surgery.”


    Thank you Maz, maybe I will contact Dr. S. The dose is minimal, so perhaps it won’t matter, as you say, and it dissolves over time. I understand that the size of the pocket determines how much they put in there and one (I have 2) pocket is quite large, so I’m not even sure exactly how much they will give me.

    I want to say more about all of your helpful info…..I’m a little distracted, grandbaby #2 arrived today and we just got back from hospital. 😀



    @DianaW13 wrote:

    …I’m a little distracted, grandbaby #2 arrived today and we just got back from hospital. 😀

    Congratulations, Diana! Exciting news for you – enjoy every minute of your remission and new grandbaby! Girl or boy?


    Hi Maz,

    Thank you! It`s a boy! Looks just like his older brother too. I am very grateful as you know how ill I was when grandbaby 1 was born. I will attempt to write that personal thread again when I get a chance.

    All the best to you!



    @DianaW13 wrote:

    Thank you! It`s a boy! Looks just like his older brother too. I am very grateful as you know how ill I was when grandbaby 1 was born. I will attempt to write that personal thread again when I get a chance.

    Awww…such happy news, Diana! 😀 You must be thrilled…and, yes, I do recall how things were for you when the first little one arrived.

    Grateful thanks (in advance) to you for thinking about doing a personal progress post. Your story is such a great one, as you had to start AP on so many other drugs and have successfully managed to wean from them all and just maintaining on your mino. Many newcomers feel overwhelmed, wondering if they will ever be able to do this, but you are proof positive that it can be done.

    Enjoy that new baby and you renewed health! Life doesn’t get any better!

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