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    What wonderful news:roll-laugh::roll-laugh:  Congratulations on your recovery–I wish you continued improvement and happiness. 

    I couldn't agree more with what has already been said.  Depsite the hesitation about whether AP works or not, I make it a mission on a daily basis to make sure I tell as many people as I can.  It doesn't matter to me or not whether they take my story to heart.–it's the INTENT behind something that matters the most.



    Hi—AF old friend -I do agree but would like to take your planting seeds analogy a bit further —Seeds cant be planted on concrete –I compare these closed minds to concrete –I dont waste time trying to plant on concrete –rather if someone has a fertile open mind –is inquiring and truly wants more info –now thats fertile ground !!!!–Bear in mind you can plant millions of seeds on concrete and not a one will take     —the time  spent planting on concrete means less time spent trying to sow seeds on fertile minds  –!!!


    A Friend

    [user=16]richie[/user] wrote:

    Hi—AF old friend -I do agree but would like to take your planting seeds analogy a bit further —Seeds cant be planted on concrete –I compare these closed minds to concrete –I dont waste time trying to plant on concrete –rather if someone has a fertile open mind –is inquiring and truly wants more info –now thats fertile ground !!!!–Bear in mind you can plant millions of seeds on concrete and not a one will take     —the time  spent planting on concrete means less time spent trying to sow seeds on fertile minds  –!!!


    Yes, Richie, ole friend… I surely refuse to spend time on concrete (translation: trying to convince a closed mind)!  I was assuming we were talking about  an informative post (for example) about real progress, even remission  with AP — and also assuming that new people come to boards from time to time, read the posts, and the idea is planted in their mind, they look into AP, and the idea grows into better health! If they never are exposed to posts about the positives of AP, then wouldn't their reading be only about gloom and doom? 

    Take care of yourself,


    There are newbies popping up on sites every day who have never heard of AP and those are the ones I focus my attention on. I simply say, hey have you heard of AP? And give them the roadback site for further info. I don't have much of a track record with AP, having only been on it a month, so I can't be that influential, but I just want to make sure people have the info before they get sucked into the traditional sclero belief system. I have turned a number of people (cyber friends and real-life) onto LDN, having been on it nearly 3 years and hope to do the same with AP.


    Yes Vonnie!!!! I'm so happy to hear the wonderful news. Thank you so much for letting us know. With everything we have been going through….you are a wonderful inspiration. I just hope you can find a way to get the mainstream Dr's to take a look at the infectious theory of this disease. When Jim gets better I hope to find a way to help others by opening up the eyes of the mainstream Dr's who look the other way when AP is mentioned. Yes we can make a difference. A good difference.

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