Home Forums General Discussion Anyone Seen Dr. E In Northampton Mass?

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    I would enjoy getting some feedback from anyone who has visited Dr. E in Northampton, Mass. In particular how much experience has he had with AP?



    Just bumping this post up for Winston as we’ve had a good number of folk asking for other AP Physicians in MA recently since Dr. T. is retiring and there are a number of folk here who may not visit frequently but do see this doc and can provide insight on him.

    Thanks all and hope you get some responses soon, Winston! 🙂


    Hi ,I’ve seen Dr.E in Northampton once.it was the initial appt.The second one I saw one of the Nurse Practictioners which was a less than impressive visit.On the other hand I thought Dr.E was very good,thorough and nice.He did alot of labs on my first
    visit.I didn’t start antibiotic therapy with him because he wanted to try to heal my gut first…since that time I’ve developed
    active Lyme and am looking for someone Lyme specific.The other good thing about Dr.E’s practice is they take insurance.
    Good Luck,Kathy



    Thanks so much for your impressions on Dr. E. Those with a chronic illness like RA need someone willing to listen and willing to step outside orthodoxy and from what you and another lady have had to say about Dr. E it sounds as though he is worth a try. That said I was somewhat discomforted by comments you made RE the NP at his office. Why is it, I wonder, that so many good docs don’t seem to be able to hire good help? I had a doc years ago who I liked very much but the woman who ran his office and took care of the records was both incompetent and unpleasant…a combo rather easy to beat.

    I will let you know how things turn out and thanks again for taking the time to respond.

    All best,

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