Home Forums General Discussion Anybody Read Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Infection Connection?

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    Is this book worth reading or is it just a rehash of the material covered in Scammell’s books?

    All best,


    Hi Winston,

    It’s not a rehash. Those books complement each other.
    “Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Infection Connection. Targeting and Treating the Cause of Chronic Illness” by Katherine M. Poelman, Ph.D., is a fabulous book for the beginner or an RA-er who is only familiar with conventional medication. An experienced RA-er will still find much interesting information there. It is a complete resource of information on rheumatoid diseases, infecting agents, diagnostic tests, treatment options, diet, supplements, herbs + an extensive list of helpful website URL addresses.

    It was first printed in 1997 as a doctoral dissertation and due to its being 14 years old some newer helpful adjuncts, which appeared after the book was published, are not covered. E.g: enzymes are mentioned and their digestive and anti-inflammatory value explained, but Systemic Enzymes, which are huge help for acute inflammation, are not covered.
    Detox is not really covered though anti-inflammatory agents are described extensively and toxin binding action of cholestyramine is mentioned while Dr. Shoemaker’s toxin binding program is described.

    You can read inside the book on Amazon and see how extensive the list of contents is. Some sections are available for free reading, though, regrettably, the most interesting parts are not open within that feature.

    The website http://www.ra-infection-connection.com has many interesting articles.
    Among many others:
    – 25 suggestions for reducing pain http://www.ra-infection-connection.com/free_articles/ReducePain.htm
    – Thinc Zinc : You have to open it through Free Health Articles: http://www.ra-infection-connection.com/freearts.htm When I write URL, the link does not open up.
    – The Calcium article is good but does not mention Shark Cartilage, which is the best absorbable form of calcium, nor does it mention calcium derived from egg membranes available on Vitacost nowadays or from boiling soups out of chicken, lamb, etc bones and cartilage (boiling is done for at least 4 up to 24 -36 hours with the addition of 2TBSP of ACV) .

    Hope the above helps. Warm wishes, Krys


    Hi Winston,
    I read this book and liked it. It has a lot of information, and it is well organized. At the end of the book there are two diets for people with chronic disease, such as RA. One of the diets is by Mercola and I forget the other doctor’s name. I have been doing really well on these particular diets. Basically no grains(starches), no dairy and limit the sugar. I am eating a really strict diet of chicken, turkey, no starch veggies and no starch fruit and my sed rate fell 14 points in the first 3 months on the diet. I’m on month 4 and feeling better everyday.I know this doesn’t work for everyone, but I think I tried everything known to man for my RA with no result & worse reults in some cases, so part of me wants to shout it from the rooftop. I feel like I am getting better everyday, something I have not experienced for the past 2 years. Sorry to blab, I think you will like the book, and if you don’t you can always resell it on Amazon. I have done that many times with RA books.
    Take care.



    Thanks to you both for your detailed reviews of this book! Maz also highly recommended it. I ordered it last night and will post my own impressions of it just as soon as I finish reading it.


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