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    Hello everyone, I am 24 and have had crippling rheumatoid arthritis for roughly 5 months now. I have gone the holistic route treatment so far and began a proper diet and natural supplements. I have read Scammell’s book “The New Arthritis Breakthrough” and have been researching thoroughly into AP and am convinced I want to give it a shot. However, I recently got a gastrointestinal map test and the results came back that I have resistances to tetracycline type antibiotics. This is a bummer because I was just about to start my minocycline protocol. Will the antibiotics still be effective even with that test result? Are there other antibiotics I should use instead that will produce the same results? Should I use a combined antibiotic protocol to knock out all the possible viruses/bacteria’s/fungals? I have so many questions and am very thankful I found this forum.

    Thank you for the help, Lukas


    Hi Lukas,
    I’m not sure what it would mean for a PERSON to have a resistance to an antibiotic. Do you mean to say that your test indicates that some bacteria in your body are resistant to Mino?

    Even if so, in my opinion Mino would be worth trying. Somehow Mino works for people even after long term regular use. And as you may know it doesn’t take bacteria too long to become resistant. So a lot of us may have similar results on that test you took, but the drug is still working anyway.

    I have also found success in working with an llmd who puts me on a regular rotation of other abx combined w the Mino. I feel this has been critically important for me.

    Autoimmune: ANA positive speckled. Probable MCTD with SD overlap. Hashimoto's. Possible Erlos Danlos. Mold Illness.
    Infections: Bartonella, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasma, EBV
    Meds: minocycline (Zydus generic) 100mg 1x daily,
    Supps: digestive enzymes, Monolaurin, Betaine hydrochloric acid, iron, quercetin, biocidin


    Everything Pinkmoth said. What do you have to lose? I think its fairly low risk compared to the potential disease course of RA. Its a slow process with the minocycline and its important to stick with it long term or some rotation of antibiotics. I think its helpful to start sooner than later and turn things around before they progress too far.

    Originally +Ana May 2018 (now negative Jan 2019), scleroderma or uctd, Morphea (now mostly gone!), Myositis ( better now) Probable Lyme w/coinfections, had Bartonella marks that disappeared,
    Mild reflux, mostly gone,mild ild, skin hardening (continued softening and some parts normal again) Impaired liver function, now normal after 1 year and CK, LDH all normal again, 14 mo after starting ap.

    Minocin m-f 2x, antibiotic rotation, ldn 4.5, cellcept 3000, probiotics, Monolaurens, Olive leaf extract, fish

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Lukas;
    If you are taking a small pulsed dose of mino it’s not likely that any bug would be able to become resistant to it.As here is some info to support what Pink Moth said.


    Thanks for your replies, i’m excited to move forward with antibiotic protocol. I am doing everything solo so I am learning as I go. What would be the best protocol dosage to start on the mino? 100 mg day and night time MWF or more? Should I combine it with other antibiotics or supplements? If so which ones and what dosages? I have been working hard to repair my gut over the past few months and would hate to mess it up again with prolonged antibiotic usage, is that something I should be concerned about? Do I need to stay out of the hot sun while on Mino due to skin changes? I know its a lot of questions, thanks. If anyone has links with this information that could be helpful as well.


    Hi Lukas,
    I’m 27 and also dealing with crippling RA for 8 years now. Recently went to see an AP doctor to help me figure out the best route for treatment with antibiotics. I highly suggest you find an AP doc to work with and guide your treatment. I say this because I myself, tried doing mino therapy on my own with the guidance of an inexperienced doc and ended up getting worse than i originally was! I took mino for 7 months 100mg AM/PM, saw results at the 4 month mark. Unfortunately after the 7 months things went downhill and worse, not too sure why. Anyways, just want you to avoid that expereicne if you can. In terms of gut flora, its very important you take a probiotic that is a good one. I take 2/day from the Metagenics brand and on top of that I take 1 tablespoon of coconut kefir from a reputable company (by that i mean they have proof of their products beneficial bacteria!). If you live in the states there are many companies to choose from. In terms of the sun, I was on mino and didnt find any issues with my skin, i even went to cuba while on mino and was fine, though everyone is different so I would just monitor your skin. of course everything in moderation. Hope that helps with some of your questions! 🙂

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