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    mickie p

    I’m sure happy that you all post your bad experiences with doctors. Reading them had prepared me for my ‘mad doctor’ encounter.
    A lack of interest, lack of hope, lack of informing me about my nearly aquired RA….. my doctor, unknowingly, forced me to do all my own research on the internet. He never even told me what my test results actually said. All I knew was that I was developing RA and that I MUST TAKE THE MEDS!!!!!! or else!!!!! “come back in two months after you get your eyes checked cause this medicine might take out your vision”
    Well good grief. Hence the internet and the huge BLESSING of finding The Road Back!!! I’ve since made an appointment to see Dr.S, have made all the travel arrangements and I AM ON THE ROAD BACK. A very expensive trip, but, oh well.
    My husband went to see my regular doctor to see if he would write me a referral to go to Dr. S That would allow our insurance to pay for 80% of my costs. (like a couple thousand bucks!!!) According to my husband, the doctor was furious when he looked up Dr. S on the internet and quickly decided that he WOULD NOT write me a referral. Apparantly the credentials are not up to snuff for my worthless MD. (pride) And my doctor went on to tell my husband that I was a fool to just pick a doctor off the internet and that the treatment will not work. I’m glad I wasn’t there cause it would have made me cry!!!
    SOOOOO, I go it alone!! My bags are packed, my reservations have been made and PHOOOEY on this doctor of mine. I AM ON THE ROAD BACK.
    Just thought I’d add another “mad doctor” story!! It is good to be warned!!!!
    mickie p


    Wow, a MAD doctor is right. I wish I was going to see Dr. S, I would like to, I just need to get together some extra $$$ to see him. I don’t live in Iowa, but I should be grateful I just had 5 days of Clindy last week with no problems, so that’s something to be grateful for in my situation.
    I hope the trip goes well for you, take care!


    Good vent, Mickie, feel better now? 😆

    We warned ya that AP was not for the faint of heart. You need to go in having already done your research and not waste time with a doctor that won’t help you. Good for you, you’ll do fine.

    Everyone here has at least one (I have several) mad doctor stories and it would be fun to collect them sometime.

    Take care…..kim


    Hi Mickie,

    Oh boy have I have been there too! I can tell you this much, I would drop every Doc there is and have my son treated by an AP Doc only ,every time! He is recovering, I just know it and improving with a simple non toxic antibiotic.
    My goal is to eventually wean him of all toxic rheumy meds and that will happen in time.

    Good luck on your journey to complete wellness!!




    I’m sorry that you had to endure the MAD doctor–I think all of us have a similar story at one point or another. The best thing you can do is gather as much information as you can to make an informed decision about what your next steps should be. Sounds like you have a plan in place. You have to trust your instincts, and do the best thing for YOU. I made that decision for myself, and am very happy that I did.

    The best of luck to you on your journey–please let us know about your experience!



    Go Mickie, go Mickie, go Mickie go…..you go girl!

    You’ll find your way with your spunk and attitude :mrgreen: ! Do you have to be referred by your primary care doctor? How ridiculous that he’s preventing you from using your medical benefits and have to pay out-of-pocket. Who is this doctor advocating for?


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