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  • #306070
    Lynne G.SD

    Hi gang;
    I was reading Scientific American and thought I would pass this on in case anyone wants to participate.


    I plan to participate. I would recommend anyone interested in the subject of gut flora to sign up at least for the periodic articles. With participation, they request lifestyle input – i.e. diet and antibiotics. My hope is to gain some information on the impact of mino relative to the general population.


    Thank you for the lead. This is a rare opportunity to find out about my inner ecology. My hope is to find out IF some strong antibiotic zapped my good inner homeostasis, and then resulted in sudden onset RA. I have suspected CIPRO, and this might be the first step in addressing that. This relates to the post on the effect of Mino and other ABX drugs by Sarahjain:


    Are folks inclined to do BOTH oral & fecal or just fecal ? Just asking as I am unsure if i should consider to do both obviously more info that way but more expensive or if i should for the same cost do 2 members of the family but then for this same cost it would not include oral.

    Jill Lyme SD & Cpn


    Hi–Personally I am not enrolling as I dont see an endpoint nor do I see how the expenditure of money will directly benefit me !!!!
    Its perhaps giving the folks running things knowledge but what exactly does an individual get out of it –not too clear on that –


    quote=”cavalier”]Are folks inclined to do BOTH Jill Lyme SD & Cpn[/quote]

    Jill, I am doing both to get baselines. Also mouth to see, perhaps, the oral fauna related to periodontal and cavity issues.
    There have been developed anti bacteria to fight the cavitiy producers, but FDA is afraid of letting GM stuff out so it has been held up. Jessica Sachs reported on that a few years back in Good Germs, Bad Germs:
    Health and Survival in a Bacterial World
    . For a shorter, more lighthearted commentary, this excerpt is educational:


    I would do family members if there is some aliment of concern, OR to see if they have a different Biome, then that might clue you as to where to source a fecal transplant if you decide that would be therapeutic.

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