Home Forums General Discussion allergic reaction to MINO!!!!!!

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  • #305932
    mickie p

    After 7 months of doing fairly well on 100mg mino, twice daily…… I think I had my first full-blown flare or herx. To top that off, I got lesions, the size of silver dollars, on neck, thighs, arms. I quit mino for a week and the lesions, or welts, were fading out and going away. I started mino again. The very next day, the remaining lesions, or welts, really came alive. Very red, raised and itching. Guess I’m safe to say this is an allergic reaction to my wonder drug. Not sure what I’m going to do and not sure this might help someone else. Just thought I’d post. mickie


    I also had allergic reactions to minocycline. I did best with just a generic doxycyline.

    Joe RA

    Hi: Mickie, It seems to me that you would have known allot sooner then 7 months if you are
    allergic to the minocycline. You could be having a HERX. but what do I know I have been doing AP for almost 7 years and have yet to have one. Most important to me is natural whole food and probiotics while on antibiotics, make sure your getting enough Probiotic.
    The best to all, 😛 ….Joe RA….

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