Home Forums General Discussion 9 years old with JIA, doing well with AP

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    Hello All,

    I just want to give an update on my daughter. After having a very bad summer last year, thinking back, I believe due to all anti-inflammatory drugs she was taking, my daughter is doing very well. I do not see any swelling on her two joints effected with arthritis and her movement on both went back to normal. She does not have any pain – complain either.

    Her gym grade went up, her teacher says she is well better than last year – I guess she was in pain and we did not know – and join in all the activities with joy. She has grown quite a bit and doing better at school academically as well.

    THANK YOU for all for your support and helping me to make the most difficult decision by far in whole my life and keep my daughter away from the drugs that scares me a lot that were recommended by her original doctors.

    We will be going to riverside again to see Dr.F in July. Other than ANA, which we did not check recently, her other blood works are normal. Her ESR rate which went down to 5 after being one month on GF diet from 21 stayed there since.
    I am keeping her %100 GF and %90 dairy free. She has DQ2 and I believe now that it was part of her problem.

    I am not sure if this information post this forum before, but I highly recommend everyone to watch this video on gluten and it’s relation to all autoimmune problems. In a nutshell; gluten produces zonulin in the gut which opens the cell doors, letting all should-not-go-into-body in, which triggers immune system to attack as a result. Apparently some bacteria can force gut produce zonulin as well. And body breaks where it is weak under all the attack. I sincerely think he should get Nobel for his work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvfTV57iPUY

    ALL, thank you. I could not have given this decision without this board and wonderful people running it. I am extremely grateful.


    Nuket, so happy to hear about your little girl’s progress! 🙂 Hearing updates like yours keeps us all going here. Thank you for coming back to let us know! When you feel she is in remission, please know we’d love to have her story to add to the testimonials on the main site as her story will inspire other parents, like you, to feel more confident about trying the therapy. It is unnerving, because it is such a slow therapy, but children tend to respond so well.

    Thank you and wishing you and your little girl all the good things a healthy life has to offer. She is one lucky little girl to have you as her Mom. 🙂


    Thank you Maz. I will. I could not have done without your support.


    A Friend

    @Nuket wrote:

    Hello All,

    I just want to give an update on my daughter. After having a very bad summer last year, thinking back, I believe due to all anti-inflammatory drugs she was taking, my daughter is doing very well. I do not see any swelling on her two joints effected with arthritis and her movement on both went back to normal. She does not have any pain – complain either.

    …..We will be going to riverside again to see Dr.F in July. Other than ANA, which we did not check recently, her other blood works are normal. Her ESR rate which went down to 5 after being one month on GF diet from 21 stayed there since.
    I am keeping her %100 GF and %90 dairy free. She has DQ2 and I believe now that it was part of her problem.

    ……I am not sure if this information post this forum before, but I highly recommend everyone to watch this video on gluten and it’s relation to all autoimmune problems. In a nutshell; gluten produces zonulin in the gut which opens the cell doors, letting all should-not-go-into-body in, which triggers immune system to attack as a result. Apparently some bacteria can force gut produce zonulin as well. And body breaks where it is weak under all the attack. I sincerely think he should get Nobel for his work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvfTV57iPUY

    Nuket… so happy for you and your young daughter. I’m a mother of four (all grown now), so I know your heart!

    I have relatives where Dr F is. I was new to AP when he had a meeting there for patients all over the country. I missed that meeting, heard how wonderful it was, and have wished/hoped he might have another. Will you mention that I’m still waiting and hoping for a “2nd chance”!!! And please tell him how much all of us appreciate him and his other staff.

    Prayers for continuing doing well!



    Hello Friend,

    Thank you for your kind words. I will certinly mentioned it to him.

    All the best..n


    Wow!! I am soooo very happy to hear this!!! To see the word JOY too!!! Congrats on following this path that leads to your daughter’s recovery!! And to hubby too!!!! Wonderful news! ev


    Hi Evalon,

    So nice to hear from you! Thank you for giving us the courage as well. You were very kind in talking with me about your daughter’s experience and giving me the support.

    I truly could not start AP without this grouGod bless you all..



    Nuket, I am new to this forum, and have limited time this morning to see if there’s a way for me to message you privately. WIll you please contact me? Mollyfrye@gmail.com. I have inquired about treatment available in Riverside, CA, and was told by Dr F’s Medical Assistant that they don’t treat children often, but could think of one that was currently in treatment. I think it’s your family! My daughter is polyarticular rf negative, diagnosed in October of 2013, just turned 3. I would love to compare notes. Thank you.

    A Friend

    Nuket, MollyFry, All,

    One of the first things I read this a.m. was something in today’s Dr. Mercola newsletter. The article covers many more areas than its title seems to convey to us. Many of us may not yet realize the importance of today’s topic in causing and/or preventing chronic illness, and changing our food choices on a daily basis, to get our gut system heathier. A saying is that life begins and ends in the gut system. These days, especially, I think we consume so many hidden ingredients stuffed into those boxes and cans, that if we learned from such as Dr. Mercola, read labels, and shopped for raw, fresh foods, many of our health problems would probably get better.

    For years I’ve jokingly said I had a “cast-iron stomach”… have rarely had gastric upsets. That doesn’t mean I always made the best choices. When I added a high-dose D-3 supplement in the Spring of 2013 my physican had kept nagging me to take, it set off a firestorm that raged until the end of 2013. Things are better now, but not near back to where it was, and I know my gut flora needs lots of help yet. This indepth article from the Mercola newsletter sounds helpful — (note in it a reference to Dr. Campbell-McBride’s book which she wrote after treating her child’s chronic illness for some time).

    I had just read your post Molly to Nuket, and both of you have children you are trying to get well. Thought of you as I skimmed through this. (We used to keep one of our grandsons from out of town when his parents went on trips. I became concerned about his strong-willed choices of wanting only junk food, and he would only eat what he wanted to eat. Grown now, and out of college for several years, he always looked healthy, but gradually over the past year has been having health problems, which now seem serious, including heart symptoms.) I’ve read about that brick wall we hit after we leave childhood. With those of us who may have inborn sensitivities/weaknesses, many of the ingredients in food packaging take their toll long before we reach adulthood. I believe the Mercola article today can help us. It has information for me, because it discusses IBS and how to temporarily leave off some things while the gut heals.

    The link to it is: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/12/fiber-foods.aspx

    Dietary Fiber Helps Curb Appetite, and Promotes Heart Health
    May 12, 2014
    Could Simply Eating More of This Extend Your Life by Nearly a Decade?
    A study found that those who ate the most of these foods enjoyed a 25% reduced risk of dying – for 9 long years! Surprisingly, this benefit also extended to those who had already suffered a heart attack.

    Best to you,

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