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    You must herx wild with all these Clindy IV. This is still a lot less toxic comparing to Cytoxan or Cellcept drugs. 2000-3000 mg Tylenol is huge.  Apparently Dr. F did not believe in prednisone.

    Your improvement is AMAZING. I am very impressed!  JB


    I take it you are taking the Tylenol for pain?  Can you find something else or alternate it with something else?  Tylenol is not innocuous and can cause serious liver problems.

    Many doctors still think that Tylenol doesn't really have any side effects.

    I used to work as a medical interpreter and an orthopedic surgeon commented to me a few years back that they were very surprised at the recent research showing liver failures due to Tylenol.

    A Friend

    [user=223]Randy[/user] wrote:

    ….. (I have also been concerned about the amount of Tylenol I need, typically 1000mg two to three times each day….though three or so docs have told me not to worry about the Tylenol).


    Parisa has posted her concerns about the Tylenol.  Besides its potential compromise to the liver, the NSAIDs also are harmful to our gastrointestinal membrane and can add to developing leaky gut.  In some of Dr. Sherry Rogers' books, she has written about healthier substitutes for the NSAIDs.  After this busy weekend, I will try to dig up the information (and quote it) for you and all of us to have in writing on the BB.

    Best to you, AF

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