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    My story continued (read prior post, January 1st, first)-

    Present day:
    I have very little pain in my hands/fingers now and it seems to be subsiding a bit in my shoulders as well. I really try to limit my sugar intake these days… if I were to drink a couple glasses of wine in the eve for example, I’d wake up with a lot of pain in the inner arms/hands – the parasites seem to wake up and have a feeding frenzy. I drink very little alcohol.

    So the pain is not bad now but swelling is still there and the joints seem to be changing in a bad way still, swan neck fingers getting worse. My toes are starting to cross over and i have bunions that are increasing in size and can make shoes/walking uncomfortable. I have also had jaw pain in the last two months (it seems to be a symptom of advanced RA). I am getting nervous about being disabled permanently (I still work 40+ hours a week and still enjoy hiking etc) so I made an appt w one of the top Rheumatologists in NH – I see him NEXT week. I am nervous of what he’s going to advise me but need to keep an open mind… I would consider going on Methotrexate if it stops progression of my hands/feet becoming disabled.

    Regardless if I go on methotrexate or consider something else, I will continue w magnet treatment for a while as we are working through an RA protocol now which could help others down the road. I will also continue with celery juice and alkaline focus. I will also continue with the Solodyn for a while as this could be what made my pain lessen. (I would have to stop the Valtrex if I went on methotrexate as combined they’d be too big of a tax on the kidneys).

    I am curious from those on AP if they noticed the pain disappear first and THEN the swelling disappeared? Did anyone have their swan neck joints straighten out or did they just not get worse once they are in remission?

    As of 1/8/2020: Solodyn 105mg MWF & Saturday, Valtrex (1 gram, 3x a day), Plaquenil (200mg 1x a day), Probiotics, Vit B, Calcium & Magnesium, D3 (10,000 per day), Zinc, Vitamin C (at least 5 grams a day), Glutathione, Klaire Labs Bi-Carb Formula (for increased alkaline) 4x a day. CurcuPlex-95 by Xymogen, 16+ oz of celery juice first thing in the morning (nothing added to it). Magnets. Acupuncture. Diagnosis: RA 1996 (which came on suddenly with Lyme infection).

    "The journey IS the destination."


    Hello Martha — and thanks for joining in and sharing your story. It sounds like you have tried a variety of paths and options, and I am sorry you are still struggling. I am assuming this top rheumatologist you will be seeing is not an AP experienced doctor?

    My pain and swelling seemed to work mostly in tandem — when there was swelling there was pain, and the reverse was also true. But there are so many varieties of experience here — and I never tested positive for lyme disease, which certainly makes treatment and symptoms more complex. I am sure others will share their experiences but the holidays are an especially quiet time.


    Bonnie Lou
    RA 02/07,AP 10/07
    Minocycline 200mg MWF; Plaquenil 100mg 3 days/week
    Fish Oil, Ubiquinol, Turmeric, Vit C (2 grams) , MultiVit, Magnesium, Astaxanthin, D3 (5000), probiotics and a daily dose of yoga!


    Hi, I think a rheumatologist is only going to offer you the standard of care. If you have one that gives abx already, you’ve been very lucky. If your not happy with the choices he’s offering, it’s time to search out other care as in a functional medicine dr or llmd.

    We’re not dealing with the same things but diseases that are ‘cousins’ imo, so I’m not sure how good advice I can offer. I’d suggest perhaps trying ldn, but you need to search out or educate a dr into providing an RX for it.

    Also, multiple antibiotics done in a rotation might be more effective. Another option is dietary changes, there is a whole range of things people do both long term and short term to help themselves. Don’t shy away from something very restrictive for only a month or two. Sometimes that’s all it takes to reset things or bring down inflammation.

    Originally +Ana May 2018 (now negative Jan 2019), scleroderma or uctd, Morphea (now mostly gone!), Myositis ( better now) Probable Lyme w/coinfections, had Bartonella marks that disappeared,
    Mild reflux, mostly gone,mild ild, skin hardening (continued softening and some parts normal again) Impaired liver function, now normal after 1 year and CK, LDH all normal again, 14 mo after starting ap.

    Minocin m-f 2x, antibiotic rotation, ldn 4.5, cellcept 3000, probiotics, Monolaurens, Olive leaf extract, fish


    Sorry, I didn’t see your other posts.

    Originally +Ana May 2018 (now negative Jan 2019), scleroderma or uctd, Morphea (now mostly gone!), Myositis ( better now) Probable Lyme w/coinfections, had Bartonella marks that disappeared,
    Mild reflux, mostly gone,mild ild, skin hardening (continued softening and some parts normal again) Impaired liver function, now normal after 1 year and CK, LDH all normal again, 14 mo after starting ap.

    Minocin m-f 2x, antibiotic rotation, ldn 4.5, cellcept 3000, probiotics, Monolaurens, Olive leaf extract, fish


    Not sure if it is “legal” to put in two responses into one response doc, here it goes:

    Hi Bonnie Lou,

    I don’t know what to expect from the new rheumatologist… I can report back after I see him. I suspect he will be traditional with his thinking. I am seeing him because I am seriously considering going on something like methotrexate if my joints (swans neck fingers, large knuckles), feet etc get much worse. I don’t want to be disabled. I can’t go on something like Humira because my skin cancers will become too aggressive again. My best friend is an ER nurse in Boston and she was soooo happy when I got off Humira as one of her nurse colleagues was on it, got a really bad cancer when on it and died shortly after; it’s dangerous stuff imho. And as a side note, if it were something like Methotrexate, I would continue the AP protocol at the same time. TBD.

    Back in the mid 90s I also didn’t test positive for Lyme w the standard tests (I don’t know how it is now but back then with the ELISA test, postive ppl tested negative and negative people tested positive)… I had a Lyme Specialist doctor who did the Western Blot test and based on those results and my symptoms, he diagnosed me with Lyme and put me on Biaxin and several other things. I felt much better after his treatment which took over a year 97/98 (and I was pretty stable for a while, went through a major stress life event in 2000 and my arthritis got A LOT worse after that…). The majority of the rheumatologists I see do not believe I had/have Lyme (even after reading that same Western Blot result) but then again, they are not Lyme specialists. (I never had the bulls eye rash which is true for roughly 40% of the people – or perhaps it was in a place where I didn’t see it. I had gone hiking at a place in Maine where 10% of the residents at the time had Lyme). I consider the doctor (S.D. in Boston) who treated me for Lyme an angel, without him I would have been in a wheelchair I think. THANK YOU FOR REACHING OUT TO ME!!


    Hello Luck 20,

    Not sure if you found my other post that has more of a timeline, here it is:


    I suspect the Rheumatologist will offer treatment/drugs to treat the symptoms and not the root cause (or drugs that turn off your immune system so that your body thinks everything is great, e.g., Humira). He has good reviews as a rheumatologist, no idea how he will be with the Road Back concepts of AP. The rheumatologists I have encountered over the years really believe that your immune system is not working well and that your body is really attacking itself (I don’t believe this, I believe there is something there in my body that it is seeing as an invader and/or having the allergic reaction to the parasites and their die off and excrement etc.

    I have already been on LDN which is mentioned in the timeline post. I got off it for a skin cancer surgery this fall (it does block pain treatment effectiveness of Tylenol with Codeine and I didn’t want to be in pain a week w the stitches etc). The doctor in Maine (P.M.) prescribes that for me along with the plaquenil, solodyn and valtrex. I have also made permanent diet changes based on what the food allergy test said i was allergic to (gluten, dairy, eggs, any kind of pepper / bell peppers etc, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds/oil, bay leaves and more — as an fyi, the only things i was suspicious to having allergies to was gluten and dairy, the other items listed were a total surprise, no symptoms for those – but they were putting my body in fight/flight mode).

    I’ve also done 8 acupuncture treatments last year which I forgot to add to the 2019 timeline info.
    I agree that our ailments are likely cousins! THANK YOU FOR REACHING OUT TO ME!!

    As of 1/8/2020: Solodyn 105mg MWF & Saturday, Valtrex (1 gram, 3x a day), Plaquenil (200mg 1x a day), Probiotics, Vit B, Calcium & Magnesium, D3 (10,000 per day), Zinc, Vitamin C (at least 5 grams a day), Glutathione, Klaire Labs Bi-Carb Formula (for increased alkaline) 4x a day. CurcuPlex-95 by Xymogen, 16+ oz of celery juice first thing in the morning (nothing added to it). Magnets. Acupuncture. Diagnosis: RA 1996 (which came on suddenly with Lyme infection).

    "The journey IS the destination."


    Hi Martha,

    Glad you came out of lurking and joined us! Yes, perfectly fine to answer two people (or more) in one post!

    I’ve read your story – hope I didn’t miss anything – but have you considered raising your Soldyn to the daily protocol or tried different brands (other than the original pelleted Minocin that is hard to find now)? Are you keeping a close eye on thyroid function? As women go thru the change with rheumatic disease, thyroid function can be severely affected by inflammation (conversion from T4 to T3 is inhibited).

    Linda L

    Unfortunately Plaquenil decreases your immune system and Methotraxate damages it rapidly.
    I have read that LDN helps with cancer.

    RA tried everything: Methotraxate, Arava, Humira. Pneumonia three times. Anemia. Very low iron. Hypothyroidism
    AP from April 2014 till August 2015. No luck.
    Current medications: Natural thyroid, Mobic, supplements,
    vitamins and minerals.
    MTHFR heterozygous

    Linda L

    Are you anemic?

    RA tried everything: Methotraxate, Arava, Humira. Pneumonia three times. Anemia. Very low iron. Hypothyroidism
    AP from April 2014 till August 2015. No luck.
    Current medications: Natural thyroid, Mobic, supplements,
    vitamins and minerals.
    MTHFR heterozygous


    Hi Maz,

    It’s interesting you asked me if I have considered taking Solodyn daily… I discussed this with my doctor (P.M.) in earlier this year. He asked me if there were cases (data) to support taking it daily. What’s your opinion on that and if taken daily, is there a reasonable time frame to assess if the increase in AP are improving things? (e.g., do people try it for a month or six months?) At roughly $34 a pill, that obviously would increase my expense but I have already spent tens of thousands of dollars at this point since the mid 90s… and anxious to be in remission without any immune suppressants involved.

    As a side note on my doctor in Maine, he said this past fall that it was amazing that I have little to no pain now in my hands as my hands look inflamed (and i was reporting pain in prior visits…), I can’t make a fist, my fingers are crocked etc….. so he thought that was a good sign!

    Regarding my thyroid, I have two fairly large thyroid nodules (the largest being 6 cm). I just saw the thyroid doctor this fall and everything checked out okay (and they are not cancerous, they were just biopsied this fall as well). According to the Medical Medium, thyroid nodules are a sign of the body trying to corall off Epstein Barr virus…). Is there a symptom that can be noticed when the conversion from T4 to T3 is inhibited?

    I appreciate your interest in my case. There is other stuff I have tried/done as well…. I just listed the highlights in my timeline.

    Hi Linda L,

    I too have heard that Plaquenil decreases the immune system… I was thinking that once I felt a bit better, I could try eliminating it. But that is a good point on lowering immune system… I was taking it mostly for pain and that isn’t so bad these days, it is mostly the inflammation that is my concern now. (I ran out of plaquenil a few years ago and my NH doc K.F. wouldn’t renew it until I went in to see her …. and I was in a lot of pain once the plaquenil wore off and before I got new prescription…).

    I hadn’t heard that Methotrexate damages the immune system (I thought it was more of an inhibitor, so that once you get off it and it wears off, your immune system will kick back in)…. do you have specifics on what is damaged? I need to better understand how Methotrexate operates for RA patients. Back in the early 2000s, my doc then pretty much said “we don’t yet understand why methotrexate works on RA patients as it is a low dose form of chemo for cancer patients…but it works” I was only suggesting this as a POSSIBILITY if my swans neck and other deformities don’t get under control soon (which i believe is being caused by the inflammation). I really don’t want to do methotrexate — that’s why i walked away from that doctor back in 2015 when she was suggesting I go back on it. I was in disbelief that in the 15 years since it was first suggested that I go on it (and I did for about a year) – that it was the only option for me (due to my skin cancer issues). 15 years seems like a long time to me in the pharma world. 🙁

    LDN – I anticipate getting back on that again soon! My Maine doctor told me that it increases immune function at night while I sleep, increases endorphins etc. For anyone reading this who hasn’t heard of LDN, I recommend the book, “Up a Creek with a Paddle” (Mary Ann Boyle Bradley) this was recommended to me by my Maine doc and it is very good/informative. I have been recommending LDN to people — especially those with Parkinsons and MS which is what that book focuses on.

    Why do you think I am anemic? Coincidentally, I am also having my annual physical next week and I can see if he can add that test to the queue of blood work.


    As of 1/8/2020: Solodyn 105mg MWF & Saturday, Valtrex (1 gram, 3x a day), Plaquenil (200mg 1x a day), Probiotics, Vit B, Calcium & Magnesium, D3 (10,000 per day), Zinc, Vitamin C (at least 5 grams a day), Glutathione, Klaire Labs Bi-Carb Formula (for increased alkaline) 4x a day. CurcuPlex-95 by Xymogen, 16+ oz of celery juice first thing in the morning (nothing added to it). Magnets. Acupuncture. Diagnosis: RA 1996 (which came on suddenly with Lyme infection).

    "The journey IS the destination."


    Maz, one more question… I just saw your Dec 11th response post to Kitty where you said this, “People with a lot of pre-existing inflammation tend to herx commensurate with RA severity. In those cases, it’s better to start low and slow on a pulsed dose (100mg once a day on Mon-Wed-Fri). Some people can tolerate higher dosing (100mg twice daily on Mon-Wed-Fri). The purpose of starting low and slow is to gradually titrate dose to individual tolerance.”

    QUESTION: Do you think it is better to take it (e.g., Solodyn 105mg for me) once a day, 7 days a week — OR twice a day (12 hours apart) on M W F?

    FYI – Solodyn is a time released caplet… the closest I could find to brand name Minocin.

    As of 1/8/2020: Solodyn 105mg MWF & Saturday, Valtrex (1 gram, 3x a day), Plaquenil (200mg 1x a day), Probiotics, Vit B, Calcium & Magnesium, D3 (10,000 per day), Zinc, Vitamin C (at least 5 grams a day), Glutathione, Klaire Labs Bi-Carb Formula (for increased alkaline) 4x a day. CurcuPlex-95 by Xymogen, 16+ oz of celery juice first thing in the morning (nothing added to it). Magnets. Acupuncture. Diagnosis: RA 1996 (which came on suddenly with Lyme infection).

    "The journey IS the destination."


    Hi Martha,

    A few ideas for you…

    It’s interesting you asked me if I have considered taking Solodyn daily… I discussed this with my doctor (P.M.) in earlier this year. He asked me if there were cases (data) to support taking it daily. What’s your opinion on that

    Yes, the MIRA/Trentham trial was conducted using minocycline for RA daily at a dose of 100mg twice daily. You’ll find that study in the RA research section of this site.

    and if taken daily, is there a reasonable time frame to assess if the increase in AP are improving things? (e.g., do people try it for a month or six months?)

    Generally speaking, anyone with lots of inflammation that is looking to increase their AP dose, would do so gradually. By raising the dose slowly, it helps to find a tolerable dose (herxing is better controlled). This is a very individual thing so there aren’t any set time frames, but as a general rule, most people will watch their RA labs over time and, if things aren’t improving by 6-8 months after a dose change, then it’s tine to go back to the drawing board. For e.g., some folks will add a second, complimentary antibiotic. The issue with Lyme is that it’s not like mycoplasma – it requires higher, daily dosing, because it shape shifts when under threat to protect itself (biofilm formation, as well as changing from spirochete to cell-wall deficient and dormant cyst forms, which are persistent forms), and low dosing may only encourage this and just suppress it.

    At roughly $34 a pill, that obviously would increase my expense but I have already spent tens of thousands of dollars at this point since the mid 90s… and anxious to be in remission without any immune suppressants involved

    I know it’s a tough decision to break away from a brand name medication, but folks here have tried various generics and found ones that work for effectively them.

    As a side note on my doctor in Maine, he said this past fall that it was amazing that I have little to no pain now in my hands as my hands look inflamed (and i was reporting pain in prior visits…), I can’t make a fist, my fingers are crocked etc….. so he thought that was a good sign!

    Less pain is good! Have you also been tracking labs (anything positive like RF, anti-CCP, ANA, CRP, SED rate)? Over time, as symptoms improve, there should be lab signs where improvement is also noted.

    Regarding my thyroid, I have two fairly large thyroid nodules (the largest being 6 cm). I just saw the thyroid doctor this fall and everything checked out okay (and they are not cancerous, they were just biopsied this fall as well).

    I had a thyroidectomy as I had a toxic multi-nodular goiter – 5 hot nodules around 1 cm snd 1 cold nodule that was 4.6cm. It was pressing on my esophagus and was getting bigger. These nodules need to be rechecked at intervals and it’s good to also determine if they are cold/hot and solid/liquid-filled). Cold nodules are the ones they’re more concerned about in terms of cancer potential but hot nodules can lead to thyroid storm as they can be randomly hyper-functioning. The other difficulty with thyroid nodules is that labs can look perfectly normal but as they grow, they basically take over healthy thyroid tissue and functioning. When there’s only one or two modules, they can be treated with ethanol injections. There is a doc in MA who does this procedure. I looked into it but had too many.

    According to the Medical Medium, thyroid nodules are a sign of the body trying to corall off Epstein Barr virus…).

    There are a few infections that have been associated with thyroid nodules and it’s not uncommon for the body to attempt to wall off infection. E.g., Brown believed strep was associated with RA modules (references in the Scammell book).

    Is there a symptom that can be noticed when the conversion from T4 to T3 is inhibited?

    Yes, all the symptoms of hypothyroidism can be experienced because the body is unable to adequately use the the active thyroid hormone (T3). The way to test this is to check Reverse T3 levels. When RT3 is high, it means the body is putting on the brakes, pushing Free T4 into an inactive form of T3 (called Reverse T3). Inflammation, low or high cortisol (and cortisone use), low Vit D, low ferritin, and low B12 can also interfere with accurate labs and conversion. E.g., a cortisone injection can suppress TSH for a couple weeks, so it’s not worth running thyroid labs during that time. Has anyone run autoimmune thyroid labs for you? Hashimoto’s thyroid disease is a common overlap for rheumatic patients. I think you might find Izabella Wentz’s and the Stop the Thyroid Madness websites to be informative.

    There is other stuff I have tried/done as well…. I just listed the highlights in my timeline.

    It’s certainly a journey!!!

    I too have heard that Plaquenil decreases the immune system… I was thinking that once I felt a bit better, I could try eliminating it.

    Plaquenil is commonly used by LLMDs to treat a counfection of Lyme, called babesiosis (a protozoan piroplasm, similar to malaria), but also to target the dormant cystic form of Lyme. It also has useful anti-inflammatory effects. Not the worst RA medication, if tolerated, as it also helps with inflammation.


    Apart from the usual RA labs, my doc will run a full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3 snd Free T4, plus auto-antibodies – TPO snd Tg), complete blood count, and complete metabolic panel (which includes liver enzymes). I have an integrative rheumatologist and he also runs a Vectra test, which measures immune functionality in RA. It’s not covered by insurance do can be expensive, however, and I’m not sure how important it is except to see how well a particular treatment is working. An occasional full iron panel, B12, and Vit D test are helpful, too.

    Hope something helps in your researches, Martha?

    Linda L

    Martha, is your skin condition worse when arthritis feels worse?

    RA tried everything: Methotraxate, Arava, Humira. Pneumonia three times. Anemia. Very low iron. Hypothyroidism
    AP from April 2014 till August 2015. No luck.
    Current medications: Natural thyroid, Mobic, supplements,
    vitamins and minerals.
    MTHFR heterozygous


    Maz, Thanks for detailed response, I will find time this week (tomorrow?) to go through it in more detail. The blood tests you recommended will be helpful w my conversations with the Rheumatologist and Primary Care Doctor (annual physical) this week. I forgot to mention in my time line that in early 2019, I was doing the minocycline M W F and was doing Tindamax (500mg) 2x a day on Saturday and Sundays. I wanted to try Tindamax again as I had interesting results with it in 2014 as mentioned in my timeline but I didn’t have any changes with it and stopped taking it after around 5 months.

    One question for you, what level is your pH / alkaline? Is this something you have focused on? I have been increasing my alkaline diet and also taking the supplements more over the past 4 months or so and my husband is convinced I have less basal cells on my back (they are very small, raised bumps) AND I have been feeling itchy on my back over the past 2 months. I am wondering if the increased alkaline is killing off skin cancer cells… I am very excited if this is the case. Bad things that live in us do not like an alkaline environment; they flourish in acidic environments and low oxygen environments (I read somewhere that this is why the joints can hurt more in an airplane). In the Sodium Bicarbonate book I recommended (Dr Mark Sircus), he says on page 149, “… oxygen levels in the body are directly related to pH levels. Increasing pH from 4 to 6 increases oxygen to the cells by 100 times and raising pH from 4 to 7 increases oxygen levels by 1,000 times.” I went from roughly 4.5 to 7.0 (and a little higher on some days) so my cell oxygen should be much higher these days…. this could also be why my joint pain is almost non-existent and why the skin cancer could be “dying off” (if it indeed is…). It takes a while to increase the pH; I started working on it about 2 years ago (when it was super low, around 4.5/5.0). I think the pH angle is exciting… I have another book where the author clearly states that if you have high alkaline, you won’t have RA.

    Has alkaline been a focus in this forum? Anyone have what would be considered high alkaline and still struggling with RA?


    Linda L, Thanks for reaching out! My skin cancer is very steady (regardless of arthritis pain/swelling) – it doesn’t seem to pop up as often when my D3 levels are higher, when my D3 levels are lower, I seem to have more of a problem with it.

    It’s possible the RA and the skin cancer are improving because my alkaline has been improving/increasing. And it’s possible that the minocin is also contributing to my arthritis pain lessening — and I am also keeping up with the magnet treatments so that could also be helping. I am trying multiple things now so it will be difficult to pinpoint positive progress to one specific treatment.

    As of 1/8/2020: Solodyn 105mg MWF & Saturday, Valtrex (1 gram, 3x a day), Plaquenil (200mg 1x a day), Probiotics, Vit B, Calcium & Magnesium, D3 (10,000 per day), Zinc, Vitamin C (at least 5 grams a day), Glutathione, Klaire Labs Bi-Carb Formula (for increased alkaline) 4x a day. CurcuPlex-95 by Xymogen, 16+ oz of celery juice first thing in the morning (nothing added to it). Magnets. Acupuncture. Diagnosis: RA 1996 (which came on suddenly with Lyme infection).

    "The journey IS the destination."


    Hi Martha,

    FYI – Solodyn is a time released caplet… the closest I could find to brand name Minocin.

    This is incorrect because Minocin is not an extended-release formulation, nor is it a modified-release or timed-release formulation. If it were, pharmacies would not be able to legally sell capsules containing powdered minocycline as generic equivalents since they would not be bioequivalent. So Solodyn is actually quite different than Minocin; generic minocycline is much closer to Minocin than is Solodyn.

    By the way, in some countries Minocin capsules are powder-filled and not pellet-filled. And in some parts of the world, Minocin is available in tablet form.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Has alkaline been a focus in this forum? Anyone have what would be considered high alkaline and still struggling with RA?

    Hi Martha,

    This topic was discussed at some length some years ago and, if you search out “A Friend” in the forum search engine, you should find plenty to read. I haven’t tried a pH (alkaline) diet nor taken supps to increase alkalinity, though I know others have tried it here and there was quite a bit discussed in the media about the effects of baking soda on the spleen as a way to promote an anti-inflammatory environment in the body. Anyone who needs to limit sodium in their diet would likely need to be cautious, though.

    Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease

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