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    “On a good note for Kacee since she has been on the antibotic for her acne; her swelling due to arthritis is completely gone. The doctor said it would help her arthritis but I had no idea how much. The bad news is it seems to help the arthritis much more than the acne.”

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    This makes me excited because it is exactly what I have found in my own case… 2 mos on minocycline and I am nearly stiffness free all day long, every day! 2 months ago I would have guaranteed you I would never squat again in my life–and I am squatting often these days, working with my little siblings. Seriously, I am shocked at how well this has helped me. I was hesitant to try it for 2 yrs, and I am so thankful to Jesus that I finally started the abx!
    So I would encourage everyone to try minocycline!!!
    I have found 2 side effects bothering me: 1)a black hairy tongue that goes away when I brush my tongue with grapefruit seed extract every other day 2)teeth that look like I have never brushed once in my life and even 2-3000 mg vit C/day isn’t helping =(


    Dixiegirl, I’m glad to hear you are feeling so good on the mino, but sorry you are experiencing the other things. Since there has been so much research lately concerning oral bacteria and RA, maybe your issues are some sort of die-off that will resolve eventually?

    As far as this mom’s post about her daughter, I thought it was really exciting because neither had the expectation that it would help the arthritis at all. I think the mom is making a very objective observation about the swelling considering they did seek out AP therapy.

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    I rinse with hydrogen peroxide for about 3 minutes after brushing my teeth. The peroxide bubbles off the plaque and keeps coffee and wine stains off my teeth. Maybe that would help with your black hairy tongue.

    Jan Lucinda1


    Good post!!


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