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    I’m going to see Dr. F in Riverside tomorrow for a followup visit, and to keep things less pricey at his office my LLMD (who accepts our insurance) ran a bunch of bloodwork for me to take to the appt.

    I got my results back today and unfortunately, the labs seem to indicate that my autoimmune problems are getting a little worse and not better. My thyroid, which had stabilized back in August, is once again trending hypo and the TPO antibodies are once again off the charts >1000s. I had a lot of success with my Hashimoto’s three years ago when I went gluten free and started taking D3, fish oils, folate and Moducare daily. I got the antibodies to drop from 880 to 15 on that regimen, and to stay low for over two years until my third pregnancy. A year ago the TPO attack began again and shot into the 1000s, which is when all of my other health problems started.

    Since I’ve been on my new lyme regimen and also using the LDN, I haven’t been taking any D3 or folate and I have added in a lot of new stuff. I don’t really know what *isn’t* working, but something isn’t. I’m wondering if perhaps it is the LDN. My antibodies which had dropped back into the 800s are once again in the 1000s and my TSH is at its highest ever level.

    I’m not ready to try any T3 again. The last time I was put on 1.5mcg of slow release T3 it caused me to go hyperthyroid very fast and caused a lot of other problems systemically. My husband said it was like living with a person on speed, and my endo took me right off. If I need to go back on thyroid replacement I will definitely choose T4 at least to start with.

    Anyway, all of this makes me concerned that Dr. F will be finding signs of scleroderma progression when he sees me tomorrow and checks my nail beds… since clearly my antibodies are being produced in high numbers. I’m sort of bummed about that. I hope that he will be able to point me in the right way. It isn’t a great feeling to be trying so very hard to get well and somehow going in the wrong direction.

    I know a lot of people on the board have Hashimoto’s or thyroid problems along with everything else… do you have any advice about thyroid replacement types or helpful supplements? I’d be really grateful for any tips you can pass along.

    I’ll keep you posted about my checkup with Dr. F. Still praying for good news.

    p.s. I forgot to mention, my Vitamin D3 levels have plunged from the mid-50s to 39. Despite the fact that magnesium stearate supposedly creates biofilms for the lyme to hide behind, I’m going to begin taking D3 again. I think it is important.

    Eva Holloway

    Sorry hopeful that your tests came back high. I have been on thyroid armour since they came back out with it again and I am also on 2000 mg D3. The LDN actually helped me a lot. I had to stop for several months and I can tell, I am getting back on LDN next week after my (hopefully) last dental procedure.
    Just spend 2 weeks close to Riverside. Weather hasn’t been too warm out in California either. I wore a jacket for the whole two weeks. My husbands family lives close there.
    Hope Dr. F. can help you, and I wash you the best.

    Eva Holloway


    Hey Andrea,

    Good luck with your appointment. Wish I could offer advice, but my mighty little thyroid is still a work in progress and it’s anyone’s guess where it will eventually settle out, or burn out, as the case may be ๐Ÿ™ Mine has cycled from hypo to hyper and now back to hypo again, plus I have a lot of nodules which have been biopsied twice…..ugh! I also take Armour Thyroid and have an rx for 30mg and I have the flexibility to take up to 4/day. My doc believes it’s up to me to see which dose I feel the best on rather than relying on blood tests which can be unpredictable as your levels fluctuate wildly throughout the day. 3/day, spaced out, seems to be the right dose for now. This plan works well for me and I’m grateful to have some control in my dosing.

    Take care…..kim

    Patti D

    Hi Andrea,
    I am one of the many thyroid cystas in our group. I started on Armour last year when I had cysts on my thyroid which made me go hypothyroid. I am on 60 mgs per day(1 little pill ๐Ÿ˜€ and thanks to Kims advice(another cysta ๐Ÿ˜Ž I was cutting the pill in half and taking half in the morning and half at noon. That worked until I got used to the medication. I too was so hyped up from the stuff initially but now I am just fine with only the one dose in the AM. I haven’t had the thyroid checked in a while but feel really good. Not tired and not hyper ๐Ÿ˜€
    Sending well wishing for you and want you to know we can always use another (cysta) in our group. there seems to be plenty of thyroid problems to go around.Good luck and sure do hope you feel right soon.


    Hi. My anti-TPO abs never moved when I was on T4-only. My abs were 3500 when first dx and now below 1000 after taking natural thyroid hormone. My daughter was 12 when she dx and anti TPO abs were 944 and didn’t budge on T4-only. She improved markedly and her abs are now below range …11 (<40).

    A lot of people do not get good results on T4 only. I did take T4/T3 combo for a while (but not slow release) after the T4-only and I think the T3 saved my life and fixed all my head issues – anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, vertigo, mood swings, etc etc., but after 6 months or so I started to feel like I would die again. So I tried NTH and it’s been perfect for me. I feel very “normal” on NTH.


    Oh, that thyroid! Longstanding problem of mine. My LLMD says it’s part of Lyme, that it’s been impossible, over years, to stabilize it. A few times I’ve gone hyper, but usually I’ll be fine for awhile and then drift hypo again. Over and over and over. So I’m just hoping that as Lyme gets treated, the endocrine instability eventually goes away. Too early to tell yet.

    In the meantime, what I’ve learned is that I want my TSH to be around 1, and my free T3 to be in the upper third of the range. If TSH or free T4 is drooping, often selenium will help instead of an increase in Armour. I’ll take 50 mgs in the morning, and another 50 mgs later if I need it, up to 200 mgs for the day. If TSH is OK but free T3 is drooping, the supplement guggalipid brings it back up.

    I have Hashi’s too, and my numbers for that have fluctuated all over the place. Gluten-free helped but didn’t fix it.

    So, a work in progress here too. I have to adjust the Armour dose and the supps I take about 3 or 4 times a year.


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