Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anniemac 2007

In Jan 2002 I started getting stiffness in my fingers, which in turn became painful in a matter of days. My Dr put me on prednisolone 25ml aday, magic it disaappeared, but not for long. So off I go to the rheumy, who starts me on the usaul toxic drugs for R.A. One after the other, it seemed the more different drugs I took the worst I felt. I always referred to the disease to my friends as this thing in my joints I didn’t believe I could possibly have R.A not me. I tried different natural methods, to no avail. I have never been in hospital let alone taken prescription drugs.Every time I had tests to check my R.A. factor, I didn’t have one, I guess thats why I believed I didn’t have R.A. But as time moved on it spead to all my other joints. The thing that got to me the most was what the hell was happening to my mind??? I was interested in what went on in the world and had some strong views.I just slowly just stopped bothering and started watching crap on T.V.anything just as long as I didn’t have to think. I stopped wanting to go out, I am a very social person and love mixing with others. All of my life I have done some of excerise and been a vego for 33 years. Ive cared about my health and loved been called a pocket rocket as I am only 5.2 and had more energy than most. I am 58 y.o.by the way. My Dr and rhemy just passed over my complaints of poor memory, poor concentration and depression and fatigue. I actually went had tests for Alziemhers as my mother has it.A person I didn’t know overheard me talking and came and told me of this website, by this time I was taking my last drug Humira and had hopes of it working, inflammation disappeared but I felt like life wasn’t worth living. My rhuemy more or less said I was been ungrateful as it was working no swelling! So here I am 11weeks into the Herx, I am determined to see this through, it hasn’t been easy at all, I’m still to scared to really get excited about living life to the full, but as my NEW Dr (got from this website)says this will work whether your feeling positive or negative.Ive been hobbling around like a 100y.o.but this is just for today. I must say this website has been such a support and reading the book every day.Thank you to those grateful people who set up the site. Yes gratitude is an action word. I’m not sure how I can be contacted for others to be of support to you.

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