My symptoms started in October 2006. I had what I thought was a sprained shoulder, which went away in a couple days & only to be replaced with pain in my wrists. This process of random parts of my body hurting then healing went on for a couple weeks, upon which I saw the doctor. He noticed my inflammation in my blood work and told me to see a rheumatologist. By January 2006, my worst suspicions were confirmed: RA at the age of 27. He recommended I start on methotrexate and Enbrel right away. I was devastated that I would be on medication that would destroy my immune system, kidney and/or liver. I was looking forward to falling in love, starting a family and progressing my career… suddenly, fear that I would live out the rest of my life in pain, unable to function, was forefront in my mind. I went onto some arthritis message boards but they just made me more depressed: none of these medications seemed to work! Every time I saw a Humira ad on TV, I would start to cry thinking of my fate. By some miracle, I stumbled upon the Road Back site and started reading about the bacterial connection. I found a Rheumy who started me on AP and the results have been really promising. I started generic minocycline on June 1, 2006 and now, 7 months later, my RF and ESR rates are in the normal range! My CRP and anti-CCP rates are still elevated but are going down. I occasionally get pain in my hands and shoulders, but on a scale of 1-10, it is at a 1. I am so grateful to the Roadback folks for being here and promoting AP. I can’t imagine my quality of life without it.
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