In many way I have had a life of suffering. I grew up with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I was healed by God at age 12. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at age 31. All through my thirties (I am now 64) I was very sick. I would go to a specialized chiropractor. He helped me in many ways.
Eventually, I bumped my head in a friend’s basement and all my joints were inflamed. I went to my family doctor. He sent me to a Rheumatologist. At 41 (in 1993) I was diagnosed with RA. This rheumatologist attempted to put me on “normal RA protocol”.
I called my chiropractor and told him I had been diagnosed with RA. He shared that he had been in a bookstore and he bumped into a book rack. The book by Henry Scammell: “The Arthritis Breakthrough” fell at my chiropractor’s feet. My chiropractor bought and read the book. He immediately saw me as having RA. My Chiropractor warned me: “DO NOT ALLOW ANY RHEUMATOLOGIST TO PUT YOU ON ANY MEDICATION EXCEPT TETRACYCLINE TYPE MEDICATION”.
I went back to my rheumatologist. I insisted that I would not be on any drugs other than tetracycline. My rheumatologist warned me about the: “Dangers of following Thomas McPhersons Brown antibiotic protocol.” I insisted. My rheumatologist put me on doxycycline for one month. At the end of that month, I called the office and asked for more medication. My rheumatologist was out of the country for 5 weeks. His secretary called in another month of doxycycline. At the end of the next month I called the secretary a second time. She shared that my rheumatologist was still out of the country. She called a year’s supply of doxycycline. I took this mediation following Dr. Brown’s pulsed protocol for the next 18 months.
I came back to my rheumatologist. I shared that I had been on antibiotics for 20 months. He threw a fit. He shared that what I did was extremely dangerous. He told me that he was going to expel me as a patient unless I was more compliant. He ordered lab work.
I came back the next month. My rheumatologist read me the lab results. My RA factor was zero. My doctor said: “You are cured”.
Am I not one of the worse patients a medical doctor could ever have?
I want to thank the Road Back Foundation for all their work and support throughout the years. I have never had another Rheumatoid flare. However, in 2001 I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme. I had Lyme and Babesiosis. For that I was fortunate to find a Lyme Literate Doctor who treated me with antibiotics for eight years. There is no doubt that I have some sort of immune problem. I have had Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Chronic Lyme and Chronic Babesiosis. I am back to fulltime employment as a chaplain and, on the side, I am a chicken farmer. I am thankful for the measure of good health that I now have.